Headcount Report

Can I view my headcount over time?
Purpose: To show you the Headcount report and help you understand what information is available within this report. This report allows you to get a snapshot view of your company's headcount during a time frame.
Table of Contents
The Headcount report shows you the total headcount of your employees over a time frame. This report provides the following information:
- Date: In addition to the standard filters available when viewing a report, you can filter this report by date. This report automatically runs as of today's date, but you can select a past or future date in time to see how the headcount fluctuates.
- Total employees: The total number of employees as of the selected date shows here. In the example above, as of January 29th, 2020, I have 27 employees. This view also includes a number and percentage of growth year to date. For example, if 10 employees got hired this year and six got terminated, you will see +4 YTD.
- Previous years: The headcount as of December 31st of the past three years will display. The three years that show are dependent upon the selected date.
- Monthly headcount: A monthly headcount shows leading up to the selected date. The numbers listed reflect the active headcount as of the last day of each month. If you click the bar for any given month, the report will update automatically to show the total headcount as of the last day of that month.
A couple of things to remember:
- Employees with no hire date will still include in the report. They will be counted as having always existed and will appear regardless of the filters selected until an accurate hire date is on the Job tab. Please be sure to enter a hire date for all employees to see an accurate headcount.
- If an employee has a future hire date, they will not show in this report unless the report date is set to on or after the new employee's hire date.
- The report pulls the date from the effective date field in the Employment Status table. The report will recognize an employee as terminated if that is the status of the current data line in the Employment Status table. (See below.)
For an employee to show correctly in the Headcount report, you need to make sure the most recent line in the Employment Status table is up-to-date. If you see a discrepancy between your employee list total and your Headcount total, this is usually due to an error in employment status for some employees.
We recommend creating a custom report that includes the following fields:
- First Name, Last Name
- Hire Date
- Status (Personal tab)
- Employment Status: Date
- Employment Status
Once you run the report, change the status filter in the top right corner to Inactive. Double click the Employment Status header. If you have any inactive employees with a status other than Terminated, these employees will still be included in the headcount total. Be sure to update this information before running the Headcount report.