Access Level History

Purpose: Access level changes are not tracked in any standard or custom reports. This help guide will show you how to view and filter access level changes made in your account.
Table of Contents
Access Level History
To access this report, navigate to Settings > Access Levels. Once you are on the All view, select History.
This date filter allows you to see all changes within a specific timeframe. Currently, your timeframe only includes dates from within the past 13 months. If you select See Details you will see a modal that shows the specific changes that were made.
Access Level
Use this filter to see changes to a specific access level. If you select See Details you will see a modal that shows the specific changes that were made.
Author (who made the change)
To view changes made by a specific person, enter their name in the text box. If you select See Details you will see a modal that shows the specific changes that were made.
Filter access level history by when an access level was created, deleted, or edited or when an employee was added or removed from an access level. If you select See Details you will see a modal that shows the specific changes that were made.
Use the Export button to download an Excel file or a CSV file of access level permissions or assignments.