Create and Share Custom Report Folders

How do I create and share custom report folders?
Purpose: To teach you how to create, share, and organize custom folders within the Reports feature.
Custom folders
Custom folders allow users to organize reports, and they can share them with other users and access levels.
To create a custom folder, click the add folder icon.

Report are housed by default in one of the following folders:
- Recent: A list of the user's most recently viewed and favorite reports
- Standard Reports: A list of preset reports that BambooHR created
- Custom Reports: A list of all custom reports created in BambooHR
- Signed Documents: This folder includes all signature requests
You can create custom folders to share reports with individuals or access levels or to help you organize your reports:
- Custom folders shared with me: If another user has shared a folder with you, it will appear under the main folder section. Notice the person icon within the folder.
- Custom folders created by the user: Each user with access to the Reports tab can create their custom folders for organizational purposes. These folders will appear beneath the main folder section.
Navigate a custom folder
First, navigate to the folder containing the report you would like to remove. Click on the three-dot icon next to the report you would like to remove from the folder and select Remove from folder.
The report will be removed from the folder, and a confirmation message will show. Note that when you remove a report from a folder, it will have the following results:
- Any individual accessing the report by a shared folder loses access to the report upon its removal.
- The owner (creator) of the report can still access the report through the My Reports folder.
- Individual users can create their own folders for organizational purposes and move shared reports into other folders accordingly. If a user chooses to remove a report from one of these folders, the report will no longer show under the custom folder but remains accessible through the Custom Reports folder.