EEO Details Report

How do I view EEO details?

Purpose: To assist admins in exporting EEO data associated with their employees. BambooHR follows market and regulatory trends to help you maintain compliance and makes reporting easy so you can focus on what matters most. 

The EEO reports in BambooHR will not show unless the Default Country field in General Settings is set to United States.

Set up EEO-1 categories

Job Title

You can find this report by navigating Standard Reports on the Reports tab and selecting EEO Details under the Employee Information category.

When you first run the EEO Details report, you will see a pop-up box requiring you to match your job titles to each of the 10 EEO categories defined by the EEOC. This pop-up box appears each time you run this report until you have matched all of the job titles (active and inactive) in your account. 

Additionally, you can navigate to Settings > Employee Fields to update this information for each job title. If a job title is related to a contractor, you can leave the EEO category blank.

Click on the Select Job Titles dropdown field under each category to select the corresponding job titles. Click Description and examples if you need an explanation of the specific EEO category. As you go through each EEO category, previously selected job titles will no longer show in the list.

You cannot view this report until you have completed the EEO category mapping. Once you finish selecting your job titles for each of the 10 categories, click Save.

The report reads and then automatically pulls employee profile data (e.g., the Ethnicity field on the Job tab) for employees who have a job title with its associated category included in the EEO category setup. 

What are the 10 EEO categories?
  1. Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers
  2. First/Mid Level Officials and Managers
  3. Professionals
  4. Technicians
  5. Sales Workers
  6. Administrative Support Workers
  7. Craft Workers
  8. Operatives
  9. Laborers and Helpers
  10. Service Workers

EEO Details report

EEO Details

Once you have mapped the EEO categories, you can view the report. The report includes the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Employee Number
  • Gender*
  • Ethnicity
  • Job Title
  • EEO Category

*This report currently only reflects Male and Female selections. If the employee selects non-binary or no gender is selected, the employee will not show in this report.

The following features are available in this report:

  1. Filter the report under a specific date range. When running a filter, the data in the report will show based on the employees' information as of the start date entered. 
    • *Please note that all terminated employees will appear in the report based on the date range you set. 
  2. Filter the report using the standard filters to narrow it down to a specific group of employees.
  3. Edit EEO Categories allows you to go back to the EEO category mapping pop-up box. From here, you can edit any job title assignments you have made if you need to select a different EEO category.

*In the image above, notice the blue informational message at the top. It is important to make sure all of your inactive employees are correctly terminated in BambooHR to ensure accurate data.