Payroll Reports in BambooHR

Where do I manage payroll reports in BambooHR, and which reports are available?
Purpose: This guide will provide an overview of the Payroll Reports tab in BambooHR, what type of reports are available, and how payroll users with access can manage them.
Post-approval payroll reporting in BambooHR will sync from TRAXPayroll. Therefore, the reports found within the Reports > Payroll Reports section in BambooHR can also be found in TRAXPayroll under Reports. Reporting in both places will be organized by Pay Date (known as Pay Cycle in TRAXPayroll) and Date Range, allowing you the flexibility to pull data from any pay period or any point in time. The reports found in the Payroll Reports section of BambooHR and in TRAXPayroll are specific to the data processed during run payroll.
Please note that some reports may have a different title in TRAXPayroll but generate the same information.
Payroll Reports Tab Overview
Approved Pay Date and Date Range payroll reports are available in BambooHR under the Reports > Payroll Reports tab. The Account Owner, Full Admins, and Payroll Admins with an EIN assigned AND access permission to view reports will be able to see this section in BambooHR.
If your company has multiple EINs, select the company's reports you wish to view from the dropdown menu on the right side. They are labeled using the company's legal name and payroll ID (i.e. [Legal Company Name LLC - 0000]). EINs that you are assigned to will fall under the "Payrolls You Have Access To" category, and EINs you are not assigned to will fall under "Payrolls You Don't Have Access To".
Reports on the Pay Date and Date Range tabs will be sorted into the following categories:
- Custom Reports: If your company has requested a Custom File Feed or Custom General Ledger Report with BambooHR, those reports will appear in this section. Otherwise, this section will not be visible. For more information on how to request those reports, click here!
Popular Reports: The top 6 most commonly used payroll reports will be listed here. These include:
- Cash Requirement
- Complete Summary
- Deductions
- Payroll Register with Hours
- Payroll Summary
- Journal Entry
- Other Reports: All other remaining payroll reports will be listed under this category.
Please keep in mind that the Payroll Reports tab is independent from the other reporting tabs and is not compatible with Favorites, Recents, Folders, or report sharing.
Pay Date tab
By default, the Pay Date tab will display reports for the most recent pending or paid payroll and is labeled by the pay date. The Pay Period, Pay Schedule Name, and whether or not it's an off-cycle payroll will also be displayed.
Click the Pay Date dropdown menu to view payroll reports from past pay dates. This menu will sort pay dates by Pending or Paid, allowing you to find which pay period you are looking for quickly. You can also search by pay date or pay schedule name.
Filter your reports using the filter dropdown menu. You can filter by Location, Employment Status, Department, or Division based on what applies to your company. If your company does not have Departments or Divisions, those options will not appear. Please note that you can only select a single filter at a time. Some reports will not be available to download with filters applied. The following table provides a list of reports included on the Pay Date tab, the associated TRAXPayroll name, the downloadable file type options, and if it can be downloaded with filters:
Report Name in BambooHR | Report Name in TRAXPayroll | Downloadable File Type (PDF or Excel) | Downloadable with filters applied? |
Payroll Register with Hours (only includes employees paid within the specified pay period) | Payroll Register with Hours | Yes | |
Deductions | Deductions | PDF & Excel | Yes |
Cash Requirement | Cash Requirement | PDF & Excel | Yes |
Payroll Summary | Payroll Summary | No | |
Complete Summary | Complete Summary | Excel | Yes |
Extra Pay | Payroll Additional Pay/Expense | Yes | |
Paycheck Register | Paycheck Register | Excel | No |
Fee Details | Company Fee Details | No | |
Payroll Hours Input | Payroll Hours Input Sheet | Yes | |
Employees Not Included In Payroll | Employees Not Included In Payroll | No | |
Company Other Collection Details | Company Other Collection Details | No | |
Payroll Changes Only | Payroll Changes Only | Excel | No |
Voided Paycheck | Voided Paycheck | Excel | No |
Journal Entry | N/A | CSV | No |
Wages & Hours by Project & Task Report | N/A | Excel | Yes |
Click on the Downloadable File Type to see a summary of what each report contains!
Date Range tab
You can easily pull reports within a specific time period using the Date Range tab. By default, the reports will show data from the current year starting from January 1. You can make the following changes and filters to your Date Range reports:
- Date To and Date From: To change the date range, choose a different date in the Date From and Date To fields. The earliest available date you can pick within the Date From field will be your first pay date with BambooHR Payroll.
- Pay Schedule: If an EIN has multiple pay schedules, select the Pay Schedule name you wish to view. By default, All will be chosen. Deleted pay schedules will also appear and are labeled (Deleted: MM/DD/YYYY). This field will not appear if you don't have multiple pay schedules.
- Filter: Click the dropdown menu to filter by a single Location, Employment Status, Department, or Division based on what applies to your company.
The following table provides a list of reports included on the Date Range tab, the associated TRAXPayroll name, and the downloadable file type options:
Report Name in BambooHR | Report Name in TRAXPayroll | Downloadable File Type (PDF or Excel) | Downloadable with filters applied? |
Payroll Register with Hours | Payroll Register with Hours | Yes | |
Deductions | Deductions | PDF & Excel | Yes |
Cash Requirement | Cash Requirement | PDF & Excel | Yes |
Payroll Summary | Payroll Summary | Yes | |
Complete Summary | Payroll Complete Summary | Excel | No |
Extra Pay | Payroll Additional Pay/Expense | Yes | |
Paycheck Register | Paycheck Register | Excel | No |
Fee Details | Company Fee Details | No | |
Payroll Hours Input | Payroll Hours Input Sheet | Yes | |
Employee Summary | Employee Summary | Excel | No |
Worker's Compensation Salary List | Worker's Compensation Salary List | PDF & Excel | Yes |
Worker's Compensation Estimate | Worker's Compensation Estimate | PDF & Excel | No |
Company Other Collection Details | Company Other Collection Details | No | |
Voided Paycheck | Voided Paycheck | Excel | No |
Journal Entry | N/A | CSV | No |
Wages & Hours by Project & Task Report | N/A | Excel | Yes |
Tax Documents tab
Do you have questions about Quarterly and Year End Reports? Take a look at the frequently asked questions, here!
This tab allows you to view both company and employee tax documents that we've generated on your behalf.
Company Documents will include any quarterly filings, amendments, and miscellaneous documents. The report will automatically show all posted tax documents for the most recent year, but you can filter by document type or year (if applicable). If you need to download a document, hover over the corresponding row and click the download button.
By default, the Employee Documents report shows all documents posted from the year in which they were most recently posted. The Account Owner, a Full Admin, or those with Payroll Report access can filter the list of documents by W-2 or 1099.
Generate & Download Reports

You can determine the file type of report based on the file icon color next to the report name. Red file icons are PDF reports, green file icons are Excel reports, and a blue icon means that the file can be downloaded as both or is a different file type (i.e. Quickbooks).
To generate and download a report, hover the report name and click the download icon to the far right of the report name. If a report can be downloaded as a PDF or Excel file, a modal will prompt you to select which file type before downloading.
You can select which data to download if the report has Report Options. If you choose multiple options, an individual report will download for each option. For example, the Deductions report is available for download by deduction type, and you can choose to download a separate file for each type.
Please note that you must have pop-ups enabled to download multiple files within Report Options at the same time.
Standard Payroll Reports
Standard payroll reports are separate from those on the Payroll Reports tab or in TRAXPayroll. The data in these reports are pulled from the payroll-specific information on the employee profile rather than the data specific to running and approving payroll. These reports are compatible with report sharing, Recents, Favorites, and Folders.
The following reports will live in the Standard Reports section of the Reports tab in BambooHR:
For more information on understanding payroll reporting across BambooHR and TRAXPayroll, click here!