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Platform Security and Compliance

Does BambooHR provide labor law posters?

Purpose: BambooHR does not provide labor law posters. This guide will direct you to where you can find labor law compliance posters and other resources.

As a company with one or more employees, it is your legal duty and responsibility to provide and display both federal and state labor law compliance posters. Federal and state law require that these employment posters detail labor laws and are clearly displayed for employees to see. If employment posters are not updated regularly, penalties may occur where it could cost your company thousands of dollars. To meet state requirements, it is best practice to purchase and display posters in every office or location your company offers, unless you have one central location that employees see regularly.

Labor law compliance posters

If you would like to obtain labor law posters, the list below has some vendors with labor law posters available for purchase or download.

Labor Law Compliance Vendor Sites

California Sites