BambooHR (preview)BambooHR PayrollRunning PayrollManaging Hours and Timesheets on the Payroll Tab

Managing Hours and Timesheets on the Payroll Tab

Can I manage hours and timesheets in BambooHR Payroll?

Purpose: This guide will explain the Hours or Timesheets page found in BambooHR Payroll. It will also identify what can and cannot be viewed in the Payroll experience during a payroll run.

Timesheets tile

A timesheets tile has been added for each standard payroll on the Payroll tab (for BambooHR Time Tracking customers). This tab will include timesheets for any hourly employees included in the payroll run. This tile will show the status of timesheets (1) whether they are approved or (2) are still pending approval. It's important to note that if it is before the timesheet approval window, (3) the tile will read "0 Timesheets Approved." If you would like to see the approved timesheets after the payroll run has been approved, please visit the Approved Hours report.

Timesheets tab

The timesheets tab contains timesheet and hours details related to that payroll. For a breakdown of this page, refer to the numbered list below the image.

  1. Filtering: Like the People Being Paid page and the Extra Pay page, you can filter information on the Timesheets page by employee, hour type (Regular, Overtime, etc.), or imported hours (manually imported from Settings > Account > Import Hours). Simply type your keyword or any common abbreviation of the hour type (REG, OT, DT, HOL).
  2. Timesheets Overview: A quick overview of the timesheets is displayed next to the filter option. If Timesheets are not available for approval, it will display the date and time when they will be. If Timesheets are available for approval, it will display the number of timesheets approved and the number that still need approval.
  3. Import Hours: The import button will take you to the Import Employee Hours page.
  4. Reports: The Reports button links to common Time Off and Time Tracking reports used to verify hours for payroll.
  5. Approve All: This action is only available if timesheets are within the approval window. When selecting this option you will be presented with a modal to confirm that they want to approve all the timesheets. If any employees are still clocked in, you will be directed to address those employees’ hours first.
  6. Hours Breakdown: This table summarizes the information from the Payable Hours and Hours in Payroll columns. Payable Hours includes timesheet, imported, and time off hours that are eligible to be paid in payroll. Hours in Payroll displays the hour type totals for hours included in payroll when the user loaded the Timesheets page. This can differ from the Payable Hours if employee timesheets are not approved or if a payroll admin made edits to the hours on the ‘Edit’ page of the payroll.
  7. Status: The status of employee's timesheet is displayed in this column.
    • Pending: This status displays if timesheets are not within the approval window. If you hover over the Pending status, a notification will show the date and time the timesheets will be open for approval.
    • Not Approved: This status displays if timesheets are within the approval window, but the timesheets have not been approved. You can approve timesheets in this status by hovering over the row and clicking the approve button.
    • Approved: This status displays if the timesheet has been approved. Upon hovering on the Approved status, it will show the approver's name and when the timesheet was approved.
    • Time Tracking not Enabled: This status displays if the user does not have time tracking enabled. It's important to note, this status will display for those not included in time tracking even if hours have been imported on their behalf.
    • Payroll is Disabled: This status displays if an employee has been disabled from being included in payrolls (i.e. an unpaid leave of absense).

Why am I seeing an "Hours" tile instead of a "Timesheets" tile?

If you have not purchased BambooHR Time Tracking, you will see an Hours tile instead. If this is the case, you can add hours to your payroll run via a time off policy based on hours worked, the BambooHR Import Hours feature, through an integrated Time Tracking partner, or via the API. Those hours will still be visible in your payroll run, but the tile will be labeled "Hours." It's important to note, that any hours manually added through the methods mentioned above will automatically be approved, so you will not see that option on the Hours tile.