Deductions on the Payroll Tab

Where can I review my employee's deductions before running payroll?
Purpose: This guide will provide an overview of the Deductions tile on the payroll tab and how you can use it to ensure an accurate payroll.
Deductions play a crucial role in your employee's payroll, and we've made it easier than ever to view your employee's active deductions before running payroll so you can ensure an accurate and smooth payroll run. To access the Deductions page, navigate to the Payroll tab, locate the pay schedule you want to review, and click the Deductions tile.
- Search & Filter: You can search and filter the Deduction page using the dropdown menus at the top. You can search by employee and deduction, or filter by deduction type and deduction changes.
- Deductions Table: If your employees have active deductions, they will be listed within this read-only table. You can easily view their name, the deduction name, company pays, employee pays, and the deduction history. Edits you make to one-time deductions within a payroll that you have already started will also display on this table.
- Deduction Changes: The table will display the employees with deduction changes at the top by default. Underneath the employee name you will see a Deduction Changes tag and a green dot will callout which deduction is changing underneath the Deduction Name column. Deduction changes include those that start or end within the pay period of the active payroll.
- Deduction History: Clicking on the history icon will display the same deduction history modal information found on the employee's Pay Info tab. This modal includes the employee's deduction start and end dates, the deduction type, deductions taken from payroll, and changes to the enrollment or deduction setup. If you need to edit a deduction, click Edit Deduction in Employee Profile to open the employee's Pay Info Deduction tab in a separate window.
- Deduction Totals: The Deduction Totals table will display a breakdown summary of all active deductions included in the active pay schedule. Some deductions must be calculated during payroll as they are percentage of an employee's pay. Those deductions will be listed under "Deductions to Be Totaled in Payroll". After you calculate payroll, you can return back to this tab to view the total deduction calculations for the pay period.
Click here for more information on managing deductions for your employees on the Pay Info tab. We also have great resources on handling non-benefit deductions.