Pay Info Tab Overview

What is the Pay Info tab?
Purpose: To help you understand what payroll information will appear on the Pay Info tab on the employee profile when managing BambooHR Payroll.
Pay Info Overview
When using BambooHR Payroll, the Pay Info tab will automatically appear on the employee profile. You can find the following information on the Pay Info tab:
- View Paystub: A quick link to view the employee's current paystub.
- Payroll Summary: A breakdown of the employee's current paystub. This will automatically show upon hover but blurred out to avoid others viewing this information. (See below for more details.)
- Paystub History: This table includes a line for each paystub since adding the employee to Payroll. Clicking on a paystub date will pull up the paystub details.
- Payroll Tabs: This section includes four main tabs that allow payroll administrators and your employees (with access) to manage payroll data for the employee. These tabs include Direct Deposit, Taxes, Deductions, and Extra Pay.
More of a hands-on learner? Click here to enroll in a BambooHR Learning Course that will walk you through the Pay Info Tab on an employee's profile.
Direct Deposit
Account Owners, Full Admins, Payroll Admins, or the employee (with access) can add their direct deposit information by clicking Update Direct Deposit within this tab. There are no limits to how many bank accounts a user can add; however, the last account must be set to 100% of the remaining balance. The employee also has the option to select a paper check instead of a direct deposit within this section.
- Employee Tax Type: This field will display the employee's tax type based on the data within the Employment Status table on the employee's Job Information tab.
- Federal Withholdings: Basic W-4 Federal Withholding information. Click here to learn more about how the 2020 W-4 maps to these fields.
- State Withholdings: Basic W-4 State Withholding information. This will depend on the state in which the employee works.
- State Unemployment Insurance: Enter the location for unemployment insurance or mark the employee as exempt.
- My Tax Documents: This is where you will find your W-2 or 1099. W-2s will automatically upload to the employee's Pay Info tab by January 31st each year. W-2s won't be sent to admins for approval before being posted to the employee's Pay Info tab. If you would like to verify the data to make any corrections before having the W-2* posted, we recommend reviewing the Year End reports.
- Go Paperless Toggle: Toggling this option on will opt the employee to receive their W2 or 1099 electronically instead of by mail. Only employees or administrators with access to the employee profile will be able to activate the paperless option. This must be done on an individual basis per employee (i.e. there is no mass-edit option for paperless tax documents.)
Please be aware of the IRS consent regulations for distributing electronic W-2s as outlined in the 2021 Publication 15-A on page 3.
*If you need to make changes to SSNs at the year-end to ensure they accurately reflect on your W2s, you can upload a spreadsheet with updated SSNs to your Files tab in BambooHR. You will then need to send an email to our Tax Services team to let them know where that spreadsheet is uploaded. This process will keep SSN data secure.
The Deductions tab is where you can view all active benefit and non-benefit deductions, edit individuals' deduction enrollment, add new non-benefit deductions for your employees, and view deduction history. This section aims to help Account Owners, Full Admins, or Payroll Admins view all payroll deduction information for an employee in one place and edit non-benefit deductions if needed. Employees can have access to view this information using access levels.
- Clicking this button will allow you to add new non-benefit deductions to this employee's profile. These include garnishments, taxes, levies, child support, loan repayments, etc.
- This table will display all active benefit and non-benefit deductions collected from the employee's paycheck. The following fields will display for each deduction record: Deduction Name, Deduction Type, Tax Rule, Deduction Start & End Date, Employee Pays, Company Pays, Cap Amount, and Annual Max.
- Filter the deduction table view by active/inactive status, deduction type (medical, vision, retirement, etc), or by a specific time frame.
- You can edit non-benefit deductions or edit enrollment dates on a regular benefit deduction by clicking the pencil icon.
- To view the history of a specific active or inactive benefit deduction, click the history button. See below for details.
- Clicking the "X" next to the deduction record will allow you to end or delete both non-benefit and regular benefit deductions.
The Deduction Payroll History modal provides great insight into the events that have occurred in payroll for an individual deduction on an employee's record. The following outlines what you will be able to view and interact with on this modal:
- There are four status cards for you to quickly view the deduction enrollment information:
- Status: This card shows whether the deduction is active or inactive and the start date of the current enrollment rate.
- Coverage: Depending on the type of deduction, this card will display something different. The current coverage will be listed on this card for standard plans, the deduction type will display for non-benefit deductions, and if the plan is variable, then this card will not appear in this modal.
- Deduction: A breakdown of what the company vs. employee pays per paycheck will be shown here.
- Year-to-Date: This card will display the total amount deducted from the employee vs. the company from the start of the year.
- The table below the status cards will list the different deduction events. These include events in TRAXPayroll (payroll deductions, manual overrides, suppressions, etc.) and events in BambooHR (enrollments, terminations, edits, and withdrawals).
- The Year-To-Date filter will allow you to view current year data or data from multiple years.
- The Event filter will allow you to view events that happen in TRAXPayroll only, BambooHR only, or both.
Extra Pay
For customers using Payroll in BambooHR, the Extra Pay tab will display one-time and recurring extra pay information for your employees if they have access (see below). If you're an Account Owner, Full Admin, or Payroll Admin, you will also be able to add extra pay, view upcoming extra pay, or look at the employee's extra pay history.
For more information on how to handle one-time extra pay in BambooHR, click here! If you're looking to add recurring extra pay in bulk, click here!
In the Payroll Summary, employees can view:
- Pay period
Paystub breakdown: Deductions, taxes, information about the direct deposit, and total gross earnings.
- When viewing and downloading as a PDF, a couple of new details appear, such as the company name and address and the employee’s name and address. This is great if an employee needs this information to verify employment or obtain a loan.
- Pay trend graph: This will update based on the employee's pay over time.
- Year-to-date details
If you have not already, you will need to set up an employee access level for your employees to get access to log in to BambooHR.
While creating your employee access level, under See About Themselves, click on the Pay Info tab and then grant access to your employees in one of two ways:
- Grant access to all fields by clicking All Fields are set to No Access. Change the access setting for all fields to either View Only or Edit.
- Hover over each field and select which access you would like to grant.
Account Owner, Full Admin user(s), and Payroll Admin user(s) can edit access and permissions to the following fields on the Pay Info tab:
Field | Access Options |
Federal W-4 Withholding |
State W-4 Withholding |
State Unemployment Insurance |
Tax Documents |
Paystub |
Direct Deposit |
Deductions |
Extra Pay |
You can also set up Pay Info tab access for Manager Access Levels and Custom Access Levels. When setting up access level permissions for a Manager Access Level, you will only have the options for View Only or No Access for each field. Custom Access Levels will have all access options available.
Watch a Video
Here is a video overview of the Pay Info tab in BambooHR. If you want to share this video with your employees, send them this link.