Global Payroll Overrides

How can I make global edits to my entire payroll run?
Purpose: This guide will help users with access to running payroll understand which global overrides are available when running payroll and how to make payroll edits for all employees.
Global overrides overview
In an effort to save you time and increase payroll accuracy by eliminating the need to edit each employee, you can make global override edits for your entire payroll (scheduled and off-cycle) by navigating to the gear dropdown menu on the Edit page. The following global override actions are available:
- Update Deductions
- Update Tax Withholdings
- Set Payment Method
- Add Global Paystub Note
- Clear Wages or Recurring Extra Pay
Overrides made to deductions, tax withholdings, payment methods, and paystub notes will apply to all employees even if they are added to payroll after the override settings are saved. This does not apply to zeroing out wages and extra pay.
Update deductions

The Update Deductions modal allows you to include or remove all deductions by selecting the checkbox next to the Name category at the top of the table. You can also include some, but not all, by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the deduction name.
Click Update Deductions to save the deduction overrides.
Update tax withholdings
You can make the following tax adjustments for the entire payroll in the Update Tax Withholdings modal:
- Federal & State Withholding Tax Schedule: You can change the tax frequency of the payroll run from the normal pay period taxing schedule. Choose Annually, Bi-weekly, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually, Semi-monthly, or Weekly from the drop-down list.
- Federal Tax Withholding: You can continue using the employee's normal federal tax withholding elections or override with a custom amount, such as 22% for a supplemental bonus pay rate. Percentages or specific dollar amounts can be used here. You can also check the box to apply withholdings to tax-exempt employees (i.e. supplemental wage tax rate). Keep in mind, FICA and FUTA will always be withheld unless your company or the employee is exempt.
- State Tax Withholding: Similar to federal tax withholdings, you can continue using your employees' regular state tax elections or override with a custom amount for each state included in the payroll. Percentages or dollar amounts can be adjusted.
Set payment method

The Set A Global Payment Method modal allows you to use your employee's preferred payment method, or issue paper checks for everyone included in the payroll.
Add global paystub note

The Add Global Paystub Note modal allows you create a paystub note that will appear on all employee paystubs.
Clear wages or recurring extra pay

Within the Clear Wages or Recurring Extra Pay modal, you can click the checkbox to zero out wage amounts for salary wages and recurring extra pay.
Please note that any employees added to the payroll after overriding wages and/or extra pay will not be included.
Global payroll overrides will only override individual updates made on the employee's payment detail page for paystub notes. Any other global overrides (taxes, deductions, hours, extra pay. etc.) will not override individual edits made on the employee’s payment details page. For example, if you edit an employee's deductions and then add a global deduction override within the same payroll, the deduction edit you made for that individual employee will not be replaced.