Additional Payroll Services and Fees

What additional payroll services are available using BambooHR Payroll?

Purpose: Our payroll teams will handle your payroll needs. However, we understand that each company may have unique circumstances that require additional help. This help guide will explain the common payroll services available to fit the needs of your company and the additional payroll fees that may be associated when running payroll.

Please note: there may be fees if you miss your payroll processing deadline. For more information concerning payroll deadlines, check out this help guide!

Trace Number Request

Customers may request a trace number for an employee's direct deposit. The first eight digits of the trace number are the transit/routing number of the transmitting bank, and the last seven digits are the sequence numbers assigned to the business entity. There is no time limit on when a customer can request a trace number.

To request a trace number, send an email to Payroll Support including the following information:

  • Pay date
  • Employee name
  • Employee net amount deposits (list each amount for every account needing a trace)

The associated fee for requesting a trace number is $10 per direct deposit account. 

Updating Company Bank Account Information

To ensure the security of company bank account information, admins cannot make direct edits to the bank information after the initial setup. Payroll Support will need to make all changes. For more information on this process, please visit this help guide.

Please note there is a $50 fee associated with replacing your current bank account or adding a new bank account. 

Year-To-Date (YTD) Correction

A Year-To-Date (YTD) correction occurs when there is a need to correct wages or deductions entered incorrectly. The associated fee for requesting a YTD correction that takes less than an hour is $100. If the correction takes longer than an hour, then the fee is $200 per hour.

Please send all YTD corrections to our Payroll Corrections team through this form.

Importing Direct Deposit and W-4 Data

We can bulk import direct deposit, federal, and/or state tax data into BambooHR. To make this request, please reach out to Payroll Support via email or phone support. Support will provide the necessary templates, and once completed, will be used by our team to import the data into BambooHR. The associated fee for requesting an import of data is $200 per hour.

Direct Deposit Reversal Request

Overview and definition

If a direct deposit payment is incorrect, BambooHR can attempt to recall the funds from the employee's bank account up to four business days following the original pay date. When requesting a reversal, inform the employee that they should have the full amount of net pay available in their account (no partial recalls). If the reversal fails, the employer must work with the employee directly to obtain funds. Once the employer receives the funds, please request a void of the original check (see "Void Paycheck Request" below). 

Please note that other terms for reversals may also be “item deletions” or “stop payments.” The sooner the reversal is requested after the pay date, the more likely it is that the recall of funds will be successful. If a reversal is requested prior to the pay date, we can attempt to stop the funds from being deposited into the employee's account. The employee may see the payroll sweep from their bank reduced by the item deletion amount.

Reversal process

To request a direct deposit reversal, send an email to Payroll Support including the following information:

  • Pay date
  • Employee name
  • Employee net amount deposits (list each amount if there are multiple accounts) 
  • Reason for reversal (i.e., wrong bank account, incorrect pay amount, etc.) 

Please note that it takes 2-3 business days for the reversal to process and 7-10 business days to confirm the successful processing of the reversal. If successful, the employer will receive a direct return of the funds to the bank account on file. The associated fee for requesting a reversal is $30 per direct deposit account.

Void Paycheck Request

Overview and definition

Voids correct year-to-date data in payroll, such as hours, taxable and non-taxable wages, deductions, taxes, etc., for W-2 and reporting purposes. It is not possible to void a partial paycheck. Voiding a paycheck does not collect the net payment issued to an employee and deposited into their bank account(s). A reversal is an attempt to retrieve direct deposit funds from an employee's bank account. Typically, we recommend requesting a reversal before starting the process of voiding the paycheck in our system because it ensures the successful return of funds to the customer. 

Our system processes voids by reducing the next standard payroll tax liability (EE and ER taxes) by the amount of the taxes from the original paycheck being voided. If the next standard payroll does not have enough tax liabilities to reduce, the void will get pushed to the next standard payroll. 

Is a void necessary?

The following situations are where we recommend a void:

  • Incorrect federal or state taxes withheld (i.e., was not FICA exempt, wrong location)
  • Incorrect tax frequency withheld for supplemental pay (i.e., bonus, severance)
  • Incorrect time off hours originally processed in payroll
  • If the company does not have a method to pay the employee outside of BambooHR Payroll and their direct deposit failed (deposit was returned), they can choose to void and reissue the payment with the correct direct deposit information

The following situations are where we do not recommend a void:

  • Incorrect deduction amounts withheld 
  • Overpayment of an extra pay item 
  • A large number of voids and/or a large void amount, which may result in not having the credit amount returned to the company on the next standard payroll

Please reach out to Payroll Support for additional information about correcting situations similar to these.

Void processes

There are three different void processes.

  • Current Quarter Void: A paycheck with a pay date that has been processed in the current quarter, and the company has another standard payroll with a pay date in the current quarter.
  • Cross-Quarter Void: A paycheck that falls within the current quarter, and at the time of the void request, the company does not have another standard payroll with a pay date in the current quarter. 
  • Cross-Quarter Correction: A paycheck with a pay date that was processed in a prior quarter.

Please note there are associated fees for voiding a paycheck.

Void Process Service Provided
Current Quarter Void Void an Employee Payroll
Cross-Quarter Void Correct Payroll Administrator Error
Cross-Quarter Correction Correct Payroll Administrator Error and Amend Quarterly Reports

Please fill out this form to request a Void correction. For more information on how to fill out this form, click here. In the event of an overpayment, funds should already be recovered in full before submitting this request. You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Pay date
  • Employee name
  • Employee net amount
  • Collected deductions (i.e., child support, garnishment, etc.) included on this check
  • Reason for a void (i.e., wrong taxes, wrong amount, etc.)

Other common payroll service fees

Click here to see a list of the pricing details for each service fee.

1099 & W-2 Base Service  The annual cost includes the creation and processing of 1099s at the end of the year. A digital PDF copy of each 1099 will be available in the Quarterly & Year-End Reports in BambooHR. $25.00 annually
Accounts in 'Applied For' Status Over 60 Days You must enter the Tax ID as soon as it is received. Late fees apply if you do not enter it within 60 days. You will continue to incur late fees every 30 days until you enter the Tax ID. $100.00 per month
Add YTD Entry After Original Implementation Date This fee applies to you if our payroll teams need to manually enter missing or additional YTD data for your company after implementation. $200.00 per file
Additional State Setup

You will be charged $7/month for each additional state you add to your account. You are responsible for registering and providing the applicable state and local Tax IDs and rates. If you are waiting on the Tax ID, selecting “Applying For Status” will allow you to process and pay the new employee until you obtain the Tax ID.

The Finding Company Tax Information guide helps you find your company's federal and state tax information required for setting up your taxes in BambooHR. Keep in mind that each tax has an associated tax ID, deposit schedule, and tax rate.

$7.00 per state per month
Amend Quarterly Reports or Replace Reports Handle any corrections after the quarter ends with the payroll specialist assigned to your state. They will partner with you on the total cost of the corrections. $125.00 each
Collect & Remit Garnishments For an extra charge, BambooHR can file and remit garnishment payments on your behalf. $4.00 per garnishment per cycle
Correct & Reissue a W-2 Form**** If you need corrections done for an employee's W-2, our tax team can issue a W-2C. $125 (not an individual price)
Correct Payroll Administrator Error**** If you would like BambooHR to correct YTD data throughout the quarter. $100.00 per incident
Direct Deposit Return (Failure) This action is initiated by the bank because they are unable to complete the transaction and return the funds. This happens if the employee had incorrect DD information. $20.00 per request
Execute Same Day ACH Payroll Processing (Cannot Guarantee Delivery) If you need to process a same-day payroll funded via wire, there is an additional fee per employee ACH/direct deposit. See note below. $200.00 per request
Extend Access After Cancellation If you need access to BambooHR Payroll after you cancel services, you can do so for a fee.  $200.00 per month
File a Zero Payroll Report At an additional cost, BambooHR can file a zero-dollar return on your behalf.  
Grant a Payroll Processing Exception If you miss both the original 12:00 PM PT deadline and the missed payroll processing deadline of 2:00 PM PT, you can contact BambooHR's payroll team to obtain a special processing exception code. This code will allow you to keep your original pay date and extend the payroll processing deadline to 3:30 PM PT.  Please keep in mind there are no additional deadline exceptions, and this is the final option for retaining your original pay date. $100.00 per request
Include Third-Party Sick Pay If you provide a statement from your insurance provider, BambooHR Payroll can handle the Third-Party Sick Pay (TPS) at an additional cost (per request). $25.00 per request
Print & Mail 1099 Forms  If your company opts into 1099s, we require that they be printed and mailed to the recipient. For further details, please contact our Payroll Support team before tax season.  $12.00 each
Reopen Payroll After Processing Deadline  This fee is applicable if you've already processed and approved payroll but wish to reopen it to make a small adjustment after the deadline. Reopening a payroll after the 12:00 PM PT deadline of the day may not be possible, so please contact our Payroll Support team for further inquiry. Fees vary
Research/Problem Solving If you believe there may be an issue with your payroll (taxes withheld or YTD totals) and would like us to investigate, we can help you for an additional fee.  $200.00 per hour
Returned Item A fee is applied if an item is returned from the bank.  $125.00 per item returned
Services Needed for Custom Reports, File Feeds, Research and/or Problem Solving  

New custom reports, and updates to existing reports, are billed at these flat rates:

New Reports

General Ledger = $400

401k = $300

HSA/FSA = $300

Workers' Comp = $300

Upon delivery, a 30-day warranty period is granted, during which adjustments to the report will be made for no charge. Once the warranty period has passed, any updates requested will be billed according to these flat rates:

Updates to Existing Reports

General Ledger = $200

401k = $75

HSA/FSA = $75

Workers' Comp = $75

Unable to Complete Quarterly Tax Filing This occurs when a tax account is left in an "applied for" status or has an incomplete setup. Fees are based on the number of quarters the tax has been out of compliance. The first quarter is $300 per tax return and increases by $100 per quarter until the $500 max is met. $300.00-500.00 each


*All terminated employees and/or those who have opted out of digital W-2 forms will automatically be mailed their W-2.

**All bank and wire transfer fees are charged as a result of doing additional work for an organization and/or its employees and will be passed onto the client. These include but are not limited to, fees for bank corrections, bank deposit tracking, stop check payments, direct deposit return/resend/stop/reversal, prenote returns, payroll recall, wire fees, etc. 

****A correction request is $100, and the associated W-2C cost, if applicable, will be a flat $125 (not an individual price). If an amendment is needed, there will be an additional $125 to file the amendment with the appropriate agency(ies). Also, if the process for the correction takes longer than an hour, we will bill you at our standard hourly rate of $200/hour.

If you pay to Execute Same Day ACH Payroll Processing (Cannot Guarantee Delivery), there is an additional fee per employee ACH/direct deposit. Refer to the following information concerning those additional fees

Two-Day Wire: $35.00 Payroll Wire Fee

Next-Day Wire: $35.00 Payroll Wire Fee, $100.00 Per Pay Cycle Missed Deadline Fee

Same-Day Wire: $35.00 Payroll Wire Fee, $200.00 Per Pay Cycle Missed Deadline Fee

$2.00 (per direct deposit processed) Same Day ACH Payroll Processing Fee