Adding Recurring Extra Pay in Bulk

How do I add recurring extra pay for multiple employees at once?
Purpose: This guide will provide an overview of the Extra Pay tab within Settings > Payroll. It will also walk Payroll Admin users with access through the process of adding recurring extra pay in bulk.
Extra Pay tab
Payroll admin users with run payroll access will be able to add, delete, and view existing recurring extra pay info within the Extra Pay tab for the payroll account(s) they are assigned to. This section will only show recurring extra pay and does not include one-time extra pay.
Looking for information on how to import one-time extra pay in bulk? Click here! You can also view or add one-time extra pay on the employee's Pay Info tab or during the run payroll process.
- Showing extra pay for: If your company has multiple payroll accounts, a dropdown menu will appear for you to select which payroll account you would like to view. All payroll accounts within BambooHR will appear in this list, but you can only click and view the accounts you have access to.
- Add Recurring Extra Pay: Clicking this button will take you to the tool that allows you to import recurring extra pay for your employees in bulk. See below for more information.
- Recurring extra pay table: The recurring extra pay table will display current and future recurring extra pay amounts for all eligible employees included in the pay schedule as of the current date.
Recurring extra pay table
The recurring extra pay table will display Pay Type, People, and Pay Type Frequency. If there is no current recurring extra pay for a pay schedule, the table will not appear, and instead, you will be prompted to add recurring extra pay.
The Pay Type column will list all pay types alphabetically by pay type name. Custom pay types are easily identifiable with an icon.
The number shown under the People column reflects the total number of employees with that pay type added to their record, regardless of whether that pay type has been added to an employee's record multiple times.
Click on this number to view a breakdown of each person's recurring pay for the specific pay type. A modal will appear with a table that displays the employee Name, Pay Type Frequency, Effective Date, and Amount.
From here, you can also edit or delete the recurring pay type for the employee. Click on the pencil icon to edit the employee's pay type frequency, pay type, or amount. Remember to click Save! Click on the trash icon and then confirm by clicking Delete to delete the recurring pay from an employee's payroll record.
Add recurring extra pay in bulk
More of a visual learner? Click here to watch a video on how to complete the following process.
Individually adding recurring extra pay to each employee's profile can be tedious and time-consuming especially if you have many employees, which is why BambooHR Payroll offers a tool that allows you to add recurring extra pay for your employees in bulk. Navigate to Settings > Payroll > Extra Pay > and click Add Recurring Extra Pay to begin the three-step process.
It is important to set up any custom pay types prior to adding recurring pay in bulk. If you wish to set up a custom pay type, please contact Payroll Support.
Step 1 - Extra Pay Details
The first step of adding recurring extra pay in bulk is the Extra Pay Details step. This is where you will set up the following information:
- Pay Type Name: Choose the name of the recurring pay type you wish to set up. A list of your standard and custom pay types will appear in this dropdown. Remember to set up any custom pay types prior to setting up the recurring pay.
- Amount: Type in the dollar amount for this pay type. Please note you must set up one amount for all employees in this step but will be able to customize the amount for each employee in Step 3.
- Effective Date: Select the date this extra pay will begin from the calendar dropdown. Make sure the chosen date is on or before the first pay date you would like the recurring extra pay to begin.
- Pay Schedules: This field will only appear if your company has multiple pay schedules AND the frequency options within those pay schedules are different. If your company has this unique setup, you will need to specify the pay schedule before moving to Step 2.
- How Often Should This Be Paid?: Select the frequency of the recurring extra pay from the dropdown. You will have the option of Every Paycheck and the Paycheck of the Month options applicable to your pay schedule frequency.
Once these fields are complete, click Next to continue to Step 2.
Step 2 - Add Employees
Select which employees you would like to apply the recurring extra pay to from the employee selector. Click on an employee name and click ">" to move them over to the Selected Employees area. You will be able to filter by the following within the All Employees dropdown menu:
- Department
- Division
- Location
- Job Title
- Employment Status
- Pay Type
Only employees with an active employment status will appear for you to edit.
Holding down the Alt key on your keyboard while clicking on the applicable names will allow you to select multiple employees at once. Another option is to click on the first employee name and then press and hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while clicking on a name lower in the list to select a block of employees.
Step 3 - Customize and Confirm
Within Step 3, a display of the selections made in Step 1 will appear for you to review. These include Pay Type, Effective Date, Frequency, and Pay Schedule (if you have multiple pay schedules in your account).
Below the displayed options from Step 1 is a Recurring Extra Pay table with a list of the employees selected in Step 2 and an editable Amount field pre-populated with the amount entered in Step 1.
Click the Amount field next to the employee name to make individual changes.
To remove recurring extra pay from an employee record, hover over their name and click on the X. Keep in mind, if you remove an employee and wish to add them back, you will have to start from the beginning of the three-step process.