BambooHR (preview)BambooHR PayrollRunning PayrollEstimated Payroll Hours for Salary Employees

Estimated Payroll Hours for Salary Employees

How are working hours estimated for my salary employees in payroll?

Purpose: To help you understand how hours for salary employees are estimated.


Hours for salaried employees are based on payroll pay frequency by default. For example, semi-monthly payroll runs use 86.67 hours while bi-weekly payroll runs use 80 hours, etc. These default hours are set up when creating the pay schedule

Pay Type Default Hours Per Pay Cycle
Daily 8
Weekly 40
Bi-Weekly 80
Semi-Monthly 86.67
Monthly 173.33

Estimated hours are reduced based on the employee’s hire date or termination date within the pay period. You can override the default hours for salaried employees within their compensation table in BambooHR or within the Edit page of running payroll if you are making a one-time adjustment. 

You can also choose to add any helpful notes about hours in the Paystub Notes section of the employee's Payment Details page