Payroll Update Summary Report

How do I run the Payroll Update Summary report in BambooHR?
Purpose: This help guide will show you how to use the Payroll Update Summary report to review all payroll-related data changes that have occurred between the end of the last pay period and the pay period for which you are about to process payroll.
Payroll Update Summary
The Payroll Update Summary report compares employee information currently saved in BambooHR to the existing employee information at the end of the last payroll run for all employees in a pay schedule that syncs with payroll. You can only compare the employee information from the last pay period to current employee data. You will not be able to compare data for historical pay periods in this report.
The Account Owner, Payroll Admin users, and Full Admin users can access this report automatically. Since this report contains sensitive information, they cannot share it with custom access level users.
To access this report, go to Standard Reports on the Reports tab and click on Payroll Update Summary in the Payroll section.
Pay Schedule: Before seeing any data in this report, you will need to select the pay schedule in which you would like to see employee updates.
- If your BambooHR account has multiple EINs for payroll, you can filter the list of pay schedules to see the correct grouping of employees.
- Filter Employees: If you would like to, you can filter employees in this pay schedule based on the standard filters in BambooHR.
Show: In addition to filtering based on the standard filters, you can also filter this report to show categories of changes. Only employees with the specific categorized change will show up in the selected category. If an employee has changes in multiple categories, they will categorize under Misc Change. Filter options include the following:
- All Changes (default)
- New Hire
- Terminated
- Address Change
- Direct Deposit Change
- Tax Info Change
- Wage Info Change
- Deductions Change
- Benefit Deduction Change
- Non-Benefit Deduction Change
- Misc Change
Employee: If you click on an employee's name, you can see the associated payroll changes that have occurred since your last payroll run for the selected pay schedule.
- In the example above, you can see Christina had an address change. The report will show you the new information along with the previous information crossed out.
If you have not updated any employee information since the last payroll run, the report will show a blank state for the selected pay schedule.
An employee* will appear in this report if any of the following information applies to a field on their employee profile:
- Information added to a field that previously had none.
- Updated information in a field.**
- Removal of information from a field, leaving the field blank.
*IMPORTANT: New hires whose start date falls after the end of the last pay period you are evaluating and employees who are terminated after the end of the last pay period will also appear on the report. If an employee is hired and terminated during the same pay period, they will show as Misc Changes. Also, the report will only include the employee's hire date, name, job title, department, and termination date.
**If a field has multiple updates since the end of the last pay period, you will only see the most recently saved value to the value that shows at the end of the recent payroll run.
Only approved data changes will appear in this report. Pending approvals will not appear until approved.
Personal information
- Name
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Employee Number
- Marital Status
- Address
Job information
- Hire date
- Pay Schedule
- Termination Date
- Division, Location, Department
- Employment Status
- Pay Type & Rate
- Overtime Status
Direct deposit:
Only new direct deposit accounts or removed direct deposit accounts will populate in this report. If the direct deposit account has already been created and the user edited the account details, it will not be in this report.
- Bank Start & End Date
- Calculation Type
- Account Type
- Routing Number
- Amount
- Display Order
State tax information
- State for Withholding
- State Filing Status
- State Exemption
- State Withholding Additional Type & Amount
- Exemption for State
- State UI Exempt
- State for UI
- State UI & WH Type
Federal tax information
- Federal Filing Status
- Federal Exemption
- Federal Withholding Additional Type & Amount
- Exemption for Federal
- FICA, FUTA Exempt
- Work two jobs or spouse works
- Dependents Amount
- Other Income
- Deductions Amount
- Employee Tax Type (for Autosync customers only)
Only new benefit deductions or removed benefit deductions will populate in this report. If the employee has already enrolled for coverage, the amounts change, and they will not show up in this report.
- Deduction Name
- Coverage
- Employee Pays (including changes to amount type: $ or %)
- Employee Annual Max
- Employee Cap Amount
Non-benefit deductions
- Deduction Name
- Deduction Start Date
- Deduction End Date
- Amount (including changes to amount type)
- Percent Cap
- Cap Amount
- Annual Max
- Payee
You can export this report to a CSV or an Excel document. After exporting, the report will include the following columns:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Employee Number
- Change Type: Personal information, address, job information, etc.
- Change Date: If available, the date of when the change occurred.
- Field Name: Name of the field that had an update.
- New Field Value: Updated value for the updated field.
- Old Field Value: Previous value for the updated field.
Each row in the export will represent one data change. Therefore, one employee may have multiple rows in the report depending on how many changes they have had.