Applicant Tracking Email Notifications

What Applicant Tracking notifications are available?

Purpose: BambooHR sends out automatic email notifications to keep you up to date with your candidates. This help guide will show you an example of each automatic email notification available within Applicant Tracking.

Email notifications from BambooHR will come from [email protected].

New candidate

The job creator and hiring lead of a job opening will immediately receive an email notification when a new candidate applies or when a user manually adds a candidate. They can click View Candidate to go to the candidate's profile page in BambooHR.  

If the candidate includes their LinkedIn profile on their application, a link to their profile will show in the email notification. 

If the job creator does not need to receive email notifications, remove them from the collaborator list. However, they will still see notifications in the What's Happening widget on Home.

Although an automatically disqualified candidate (based on a disqualifying question in the job application) technically moves to the New status before your selected status, the job creator and hiring lead will not receive this email notification for that candidate. See here for more information on disqualifying questions.

New collaborator

When you add a collaborator to a job opening, you can choose to send an automatic email notification letting them know that you added them as a collaborator. If you choose this option, this email notification will send to the collaborator.

Candidate updates

New comment

Collaborators on a job opening will immediately receive an email when another collaborator comments on a candidate. If the candidate's status changed with a comment, an email notification also sends to collaborators regarding those actions (see below).

Updated status and new comment

Bulk status update and new comment

If a collaborator makes a bulk change to update status and adds a comment, the other collaborators will receive one email notification about the update.

You can toggle email notifications on or off by clicking the envelope icon next to a collaborator's name in the list.

Confirmation of a submitted application

When a candidate applies for a job opening, they will immediately receive an email notification that confirms their application submission. You can edit this notification under the Hiring section's Email Templates within Settings.

Email reply from the candidate

Do you have some time to talk? - - BambooHR Mail

The candidate's email response will be posted to the Emails tab on the candidate's profile. Additionally, the person who originally emailed the candidate will receive an email notification about the candidate's reply. This email notification will include the contents of the email along with a link to view the conversation in BambooHR.

Offer letters

Offer letter

When you send an offer letter to a candidate, they will receive an email notification with a link to view the offer letter.

(Candidate) Offer accepted

Once the candidate signs the offer letter, they will receive an automatic email notification congratulating them on the accepted offer. This notification will include an attached copy of the signed offer letter.

(Recruiter) Offer accepted

The user who sent the offer letter to the candidate will receive an email notification after the candidate signs the offer letter.