Long-Term Leave and Furlough Employees

Purpose: This help guide is intended to be used as a resource to refer to as you are considering what needs to be updated if an employee is going on long-term leave and being furloughed. BambooHR is here to support what your company needs for all different long-term leave scenarios. 

Do you Need Help Changing your Employees to Furloughed in BambooHR?

Do you prefer hands-on learning? Our interactive guides will walk you through different aspects of your Bamboo experience and we even have an interactive guide specifically designed to show you how to change an employee's status to "Furlough." You can use the link below to access this guide. All you need to do is modify the "REPLACEME" with your BambooHR subdomain and you can get started!


Power Edit

Power Edit

If you are furloughing multiple employees, Power Edit is the simplest way to make this update in BambooHR. You can find the Power Edit feature by navigating to "People" and selecting "Power Edit Employees" in the action menu. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select the employees you are furloughing.
  2. Select these fields in the Employment Status table: Employment Status and Comment.
  3. If you are making this change for all furloughed employees as of the same date, you can choose to make this edit as a group. If you need to make this change as of a different date for each employee, then you will need to choose to edit each employee individually.

Click "Next Step."

Group Update

Group Update

Enter the applicable data in each field in the Employment Status table. For Employment Status, you will want to select "Furloughed." This will help provide a new standard filter throughout the system in order to filter your furloughed employees out of certain features when needed.

If you have ACA Tracking enabled (US customers only), the ACA Full-Time status field will automatically appear and will need to be updated with the power edit.

In this example, I have chosen to do a group update for all furloughed employees. This means all employees will show this new status as of the same effective date (04/01/2020). If you choose to do an individual update, you will be able to set a different date for each selected employee.

Click "Next Step."

Preview Changes

Power Edit

Here you can see an example of what this new line will look like for one of the selected employees. If everything looks right, click "Save & Finish."

It is important to remember that BambooHR sends out automatic email notifications to employees for multiple features in the system. If you do not want your long-term leave employees to have access to their email during this time, you may want to have your IT department remove the employee's access to his or her work email.

If you do remove access to the work email, be sure you have updated personal contact information for each employee in case you need to reach out to them during this time.

When an employee is furloughed or goes on long-term leave, there are many different things you may want to consider updating in BambooHR. We understand that every company has individual needs when making these changes for its employees. We've put together the list below as a resource for you to refer to as you consider what needs to be updated for these types of employees. Please review this information and update your furloughed/long-term leave employees as necessary.

Updating the Employee's Profile

Do you want to stop the employee's time off accruals?

If you do not want the employee to receive time off accruals while they are furloughed or on leave, you will want to change each of the employee's time off policies to a manually updated balance. This will maintain the current balance while stopping the automatic accruals. When the employee returns, you can simply assign the time off policies as of the date you want the accruals to start again going forward.

Do you need to update an employee's benefit enrollment?

Depending on how your company is handling employer contributions for your benefit plans for these employees, you may need to make some adjustments to your employees' benefit enrollments. To update an individual employee's benefit enrollment, review this help guide.

Do you want to capture what trainings employees miss?
Training due

While your employees are furloughed or on leave, they may miss important trainings that need to be completed. You can easily capture this information by creating a custom report. Simply add in the fields for each of the training due dates that you need to review. You can then add a filter to only show employees with the Employment Status set to Furlough or a custom status for long-term leave. This will help you quickly see when each employee is due for each training. You will just want to be sure to run the report before you move your employees back to a different Employment Status in BambooHR.

Do you want to remove your employees from Time Tracking?
Ryota Saito - Timesheet

Depending on your individual needs, you may want to disable time tracking for your furloughed or long-term leave employees. Don't worry, if you disable time tracking for an employee then the employee's timesheet history will remain intact.

To disable time tracking, simply navigate to the employee's profile. Click the action menu and hover over "Time Tracking," then click "Disable Time Tracking."

Reassigning Operational Tasks

If your furloughed or long-term leave employee is assigned to various workflows throughout your BambooHR account, please read through these sections to see if you need to make any updates in BambooHR in order to maintain these workflows during this transition.

Do you need to update Onboarding or Offboarding tasks assignees?

To view who is assigned to Onboarding and Offboarding tasks in your organization, navigate to Settings and select the appropriate tab (either Onboarding or Offboarding). The "Assigned To" column allows you to see who is assigned the Onboarding/Offboarding task. If you need to reassign an Onboarding/Offboarding task, simply click on the task name.

Edit Onboarding Item

Once you are viewing the task, select "Assigned To" and reassign the task to a new employee. If you would like to update the task for employees who have already been assigned this task that are still pending, be sure to check the box "Update existing employee tasklist items." Then click "Save."

Do you need to update E-signature document signees?

To make sure your documentation stays streamlined and that no documents are lost in the transition of the furlough or leave period, you may want to review and update any e-signatures assigned to the employee.


To review the signers on your signature templates, navigate to the Files tab and click "Signature Templates." Click on the name of the signature template to open up the preview. Then click "Edit Signature Template" on the right-hand side.


Once you are viewing the signature setup, you can see the signing order on the bottom right-hand side. If you have a specific person in the signing order who will be going on furlough, simply click on the corresponding fields in the document and update the person who needs to complete the field. Be sure to save your template.

Do you need to update any approvers in your Approvals settings?
Information Updates

Navigate to Approvals in Settings to review the approval workflows you have set up for your company. Under "Who can approve these requests?", you are able to see who is specifically assigned as the approver for the workflow. You may want to go through and review each of the approval templates to see if any of the approvers are furloughed employees or going on leave. To update the approver, simply click on the employee's name and change it accordingly. Be sure to save your changes.

If you have enabled advanced approvals, be sure to review all workflows for each approval.

Do you need to change the Hiring Lead on any job openings?

To review who is assigned as the Hiring Lead for job openings, navigate to the Hiring tab. Here, you will see job openings with a Draft & Open status. If you need to see all job openings, simply select "All" in the dropdown.

To change the Hiring Lead, hover over the job opening and click the edit icon.

Edit Job Opening

Change the Hiring Lead accordingly. Be sure to save your changes.

Do you need to update any managers for your employees who aren't being furloughed?
Ryota Saito - Job

To view an employee's direct reports, navigate to his or her profile and view the employee summary on the left-hand side. You may want to change who each of these employees report to if they aren't being furloughed but their manager is. To do this, click on the employee's name and navigate to his or her job tab.

Shannon Anderson - Job

Once you are on the employee's job tab, click "Update Job Information" and change the "Reports to" accordingly. This will add a new line to the Job Information table and the employee will now show as reporting to the new manager in the Org Chart.

Do you want to update email alert recipients?
Email Alerts

Email alerts in BambooHR help you stay in the know of what's happening at your company. You may want to review who each alert is set up to be sent to and update for any furloughed or long-term leave employees.

To change who the alert is sent to, simply click on the alert name.

Birthday Summary

Once you are viewing the alert details, you can change who the alert will be sent to. Be sure to save your changes.

BambooHR Settings

Do you want to make updates to Performance Management?

If you'd like to continue Performance Management for your employees who aren't furloughed or on leave, you can simply filter your furloughed/long-term leave employees out of Performance for the time being. Don't worry, you won't lose the employee's performance history.

Performance Management

To do this, navigate to Performance in Settings. Click on each review cycle the employees are apart of.

Performance Management

Change the filter to only include the employees you'd like to be part of each review cycle based on Employment Status. Be sure to save your changes.

Performance Management

Alternatively, if you'd like to postpone performance reviews for all employees, you can simply remove feedback and assessments from the review cycle. Or, you can change the next feedback reminder date or assessment start date.

Do you want to postpone your Employee Satisfaction survey?
eNPS Setup

If you are on the Advantage Package and are utilizing BambooHR's Employee Satisfaction feature, you may want to postpone your next survey. To do this, navigate to Employee Satisfaction in Settings and click the edit icon next to the Employee Satisfaction Introduction Email.

eNPS Setup

Simply change the date the next survey will be sent. Be sure to save your changes.

Do you want to postpone your Employee Wellbeing survey?
Employee Wellbeing

If you are on the Advantage Package and are utilizing BambooHR's Employee Wellbeing feature, you may want to postpone your next survey. To do this, navigate to Employee Wellbeing in Settings and simply change the date the next survey will be sent. Be sure to save your changes.

Do you need to make changes to any Integrations?

If you have an integration that is dependent upon the employment status of an employee being active in BambooHR in order to have access to the integration, you may want to reach out to the integration partner to see if you need to update anything in the other system if you do not want these employees to have access.

Furloughed/Long-Term Leave Employee Experience in BambooHR

Do you want to review employee access to BambooHR?

Depending on the individual needs of your company, you may want to update the access your furloughed or long-term leave employees have to BambooHR.

Ryota Saito - Personal

If you'd like to remove access completely for a furloughed/long-term leave employee, you can do this on the employee's profile. Click on the action menu, hover over "BambooHR Access Level" and then select "No Access." Once this change is made, the employee will not be able to log into BambooHR.

Employees US (10)

Depending on which employees are assigned to which access levels, another option is to update the access level settings for the current access level the employee is assigned to. This way you can maintain access for the employee to view basic information in BambooHR.

If these employees are assigned to varying access levels, you can simply create a new employee access level and assign it to all of your furloughed/long-term leave employees.

Do you need to override any tasks in the Inbox?

If the employee is assigned any tasks while they are on furlough/leave, the task can be bypassed by an admin or account owner. You can do this by changing the Inbox view to "Assigned to Company."


Simply click on the request and take action on it.


You will see a pop-up letting you know that you are bypassing the original approver(s). Confirm you'd like to take this action and the request will no longer be outstanding.

Do you want to exclude your furloughed/leave employees from company announcements?
Add a new announcement

Depending on your company's individual needs, you may want to filter your furloughed/long-term leave employees out of company announcements. To do this, simply use the "Send announcement to:" filter when creating your announcement. You can then filter the announcement to only go to certain employees based on Employment Status.

BambooHR Payroll 

Do you need to make any adjustments when running payroll?

There are three ways you can handle employees who go on leave and are part of Payroll in BambooHR:

  1. If you need to continue tracking payroll data while the employee is on leave, our first recommendation is to disable payroll for the employee. You can re-enable payroll on the People Being Paid page when the employee returns.
    1. If you take this approach and have already started processing payroll for the pay period you wish to disable them in, you will need to manually remove the employee from the current payroll on the Edit page first. Then, navigate to the next pay period on the pay date carousel and disable them on the People Being Paid page before starting the next payroll. 
  2. If your employee does not need anything documented for payroll during the furlough or leave period, you can move the employee to a new pay schedule that does not sync with Payroll. You can change this within the Compensation table on the employee's profile (employee profile > Job tab > Compensation table). This will remove the employee from the payroll. If your employee plans to return, add them back to the syncing pay schedule. 
    1. If you use BambooHR Time Tracking, we recommend that if they move the employee to another pay schedule, it should be a pay schedule with the same pay periods as the original pay group so as to not cause issues with tracking time. 
  3. Our final recommendation is to keep the employee on a payroll-syncing pay schedule and manually delete them from each payroll until the employee returns. Please use caution if you choose this route, as the employee will get paid if you forget to remove them on your own. 
What should happen if the employee has benefits still in effect that need to be deducted/recorded in payroll?

Depending on how your company is handling employer contributions for health insurance for these types of employees, you may need to make some adjustments when running payroll. Please reach out to a payroll support hero at [email protected] if you need assistance.  

Since the employees will be on unpaid leave and there is no payment being issued to the employee, the deduction won't be withheld. Work with your employee to determine one of the following two options: 

  1. Collect the year-to-date (YTD) benefit deduction amounts in payroll before the employee goes on leave so that when they return, they are all caught up.
  2. Collect the catch-up YTD benefit deduction amounts in payroll after the employee returns from leave and is processed in payroll once again.

For either of these options, you can make arrangements with your employee to spread out the deduction amounts across several payrolls, depending on your company's policy. Adjusting benefit deductions amounts can be accomplished on the employee's Payment Details page within the Edit screen of payroll.