Upload an Employee's Photo

How can I upload an employee's photo?

Purpose: To teach you how to upload a photo for an employee. If the employee does not have an uploaded photo, they will have a standard avatar image.

Upload a photo

Employee Record

On an employee's profile, hover over the avatar image and click on the edit icon that appears.

Choose a file

Choose File

Drag and drop an image file directly from your desktop or click Choose File to upload an image saved to your computer.

Please note that the photo must be in PNG, GIF, JPG, or BMP format. The photo box is 90x90 pixels. We recommend uploading a square photo since that is the shape of the photo box. The maximum photo size is 10 MB. Keep in mind that if your photo is too large, the photo may not appear or may upload horizontally to fix the outlined dimensions. If this happens, we recommend resizing your photo. 

Crop and preview

Crop and Preview

Use the cropping tool to crop the photo to the desired profile image. Preview the cropped photo, and once completed, click Save.

Employee profile

Employee Record

Once saved, the photo will appear within the employee profile, mobile app, and the Company Directory.