Upload a Company Logo

Purpose: To help you understand how to insert and adjust your organization's logo to customize your account.

Do you prefer hands-on learning? Our interactive guides will guide you through different aspects of your BambooHR experience. We have an interactive guide specifically designed to show you how to upload your logo and customize your brand color. You can use the link below to access this guide. All you need to do is modify the "REPLACEME" with your BambooHR subdomain, and you can get started!


Click Logo & Color in Settings.

  1. Click Choose File and select a saved image from your computer.
  2. Drag the square buttons to crop your image as needed.
  3. The BambooHR logo (shown above) has a transparent background. Your logo file should be in a PNG or GIF format for the transparent background to be in effect, or you can select to make the white background on the logo transparent upon uploading it.
  4. Click Tips to make sure your logo looks great to view suggestions on the optimization of your logo.
  5. Choose a color that best fits your organization's look and logo.
  6. To resize your company logo, you can pull the corners of the logo in the top left corner of your account. Resizing the logo will also change its size on the login page and your careers website.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your logo, make sure you save your changes.