Custom Fields

Purpose: To show you how you can add your own custom fields in your BambooHR account.
With the custom field builder in Core and Pro packages, you can add your own custom fields within BambooHR. If you have the Advantage package, you can submit a request to our Support team to add a custom field in your account. Before submitting your request, please first consider our request limitations to ensure none of the limitations apply to your request.
Add a custom field
If you need to add a field that is not available in the standard fields library, you can open the custom field builder from two locations within your BambooHR account: Settings or the employee profile. Both options will bring you to the custom field builder, where you can enter the field type, status, location, and several other details.
Please keep in mind that when you add or remove a custom field, the change will apply to ALL employee profiles.
When adding a custom field, make sure it is not a duplicate, a privacy issue, or a legal no-no. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Support team.
From Settings, click Custom Fields & Tables and then select +Add Custom Field or Custom Field from the +Add dropdown menu. Notice on this page you will also be able to edit or archive any custom fields you have added to your account, as well as restore archived fields.
On an employee profile, navigate to the same place you go for the standard fields library. Click Customize Layout > Add Custom Field.
Custom field builder

Within the custom field builder, enter all key information about your custom field:
- *Field Name: Choose a name for your field.
- Type: Determine what type of field this will be. The options are: Short Answer, Long Answer, List (Single Answer and Multiple Answer), Checkbox, Employee List, Currency, Date, Number, Percentage, and State. See a description of the custom field types below.
- Field Status: Mark this field as required or optional. Required will add an asterisk to the field.
- Where will this new field appear?: Determine where the field will appear in your account. Please note that custom fields are not allowed on the following tabs—Time Off, Documents, Performance, Notes, and Emergency.
- Just Checking...: Make sure the field you are creating isn't a duplicate, privacy issue, or legal no-no. This box must be checked for you to be able to save your field.
- Preview: As you fill out the above fields, you will see an evolving preview of your field here.
- Save: Add your field to your account. Remember to update your access levels to allow the appropriate people to view or edit this field.
Need customization ideas? BambooHR offers several customization options for storing your data and creating a system that can help you track the information that is important to your company and your employees. Watch this video for some ideas on what you can track in BambooHR.
*Please note that the system will prevent the addition of a custom field with the same name as an existing standard or custom field.

You can create a custom field, selecting from the following field types.
- A single checkbox
- Currency field
- Uses the account's default currency information but can be modified if needed
- Standard date field
- Uses the account's date format
Employee list
- A dropdown list of all active employees within the account
Information field
- The set text that appears on each employee profile
- A dropdown list that is editable in Settings
Multi-row line paragraph
- Text field
- Provides space for typing a paragraph
Multiple selection list
- A set of multiple checkboxes that are editable in Settings
- Integer field
- Uses the account's number format
- A standard percentage format field
Phone number
- Text field
- Formats phone numbers
Section header
- A title heading that separates information
Single line text
- Text field
- Holds letters, numbers, and symbols
- A dropdown list that is defined by the account's default country setting. If the country is the US, UK, Canada, or Australia, the list will contain the applicable states (or equivalent).
This section applies to those who are requesting our Customer Support team's assistance with adding a custom field to their accounts. With each request, our team considers if the requested custom field would be user-friendly and set you up for long-term success in BambooHR.
Please note that we may not be able to fulfill your customization request if it does not provide a great user experience or would put your data at risk. The following examples are fields that we will not create:
- Usernames and passwords
Full credit card numbers
- We only store the last four digits.
- Bank PIN
- Custom Social Security or personal identifying numbers
- Custom Time Tracking tabs and fields
- Custom Performance tabs and fields
Custom development work
- BambooHR does not provide custom development work to alter your account.
Editing existing standard fields and tables
- We need to keep those consistent for filtering purposes.
Grant access to custom fields
By default, only the Account Owner and Full Admin users can access custom fields. If you would like users in other access levels to view and/or edit new custom fields or tables, go to Settings and click Access Levels. Then, select Access Level Settings for the specific access level you are editing and determine what type of access users should have to the custom field.
Archive a custom field
If you need to delete or remove a custom field from view, you can archive it in BambooHR. The system will save all data associated with the archived field and allow you to restore it in the future.
Restore archived fields
If you have archived fields in the past, you can add them back to your account through the Restore Archived Fields button.
This will pull up a list of all fields that you have archived in your account. Check the box next to any you would like to restore, and click Next.
On the next page, you will determine where you would like the fields to appear. Keep in mind that all the fields you have selected will show in this location. If you need any on a different page, you will need to restore them separately. Click Restore Fields, and you will see a success banner letting you know that you have restored the fields to the selected location.