Job Levels and Pay Bands

Where can I track my job levels and pay bands?

Purpose: Levels and bands in BambooHR allows you to define your job levels and the associated pay bands and job titles. This helps reduce ambiguity for you and your employees by providing the resources to clearly understand the criteria used for career progression and compensation decisions.

Set up your levels and bands

When you are first getting started with levels and bands, there are two options for entering your data: manual entry or an import. See below for the breakdown on the two methods.

Manual entry

First, navigate to Settings > Compensation. If you have not previously added any levels or bands, you will see the + Add Levels and Bands option. Clicking on this button will pull up a QuickStart wizard that will walk you through the process of setting up your levels and bands. Please note that only the Account Owner or Full Admin users are able to set up this feature.

Step 1: Levels

The first step is to create level groups and define the levels in each group. For example, in the image above, we are creating a group for Marketing with levels of Junior, Mid, and Senior. To add additional levels in the group, click + Add Level. To add additional level groups, click + Add Level Group. Once you have entered all your groups and levels, click Next: Pay Bands to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Pay Bands

When setting up your pay bands, you will see that you have two options: Input min, mid and max or Input midpoint with range. You will also be able to select if you want the pay bands to be salary-based or hourly-based. The currency type will default to your default currency for your account. You can change the currency type, but please note that it will change for all levels in that group.

Once you have entered all your pay bands, click Next: Associate Job Titles to move on to the next step.

Step 3: Associate Job Titles

Here, you will see a list of all job titles you have added for your employees. At the top of the list, the system will generate all job titles with employees assigned. Job titles with no employees assigned will show below.

Click on the dropdown menu next to the job title you would like to assign to a group level and select the appropriate group level. If you need to remove a job title you have selected, just click on the X.

Once you have assigned all desired positions, click Next: Review to review your additions before you save the setup.

Step 4: Review

On this page, you will be able to review all the data you have added. If you need to make any changes, simply click on the step in the left menu. Clicking Save & Finish will apply your changes to the employees you have added. See below for more information on where you can find that data. 

Clicking Save & Finish Later will create a draft of your changes. There can only be one draft at a time, and anyone with access will be able to view that in-progress draft and can continue editing it.


Clicking Import Levels & Bands Data will take you to the compensation importer.

Here, you will be able to download the provided template file or upload an existing CSV file with your levels and bands data. Then, click Next Step to move on to the Column Matching step.

If you used the provided template, all columns should automatically match. However, if you used your own file, you can use this step to match your columns to the columns in BambooHR. With all columns matched, click Next Step to move to the data cleaning step.

Here, you will either be able to import the data without any errors or find errors marked in red, which you will be able to fix in this step. Once you address all errors, click Import Levels & Bands to import the data.

A green banner will show, letting you know that the import was successful.

From here, you can click Next: Associate Job Titles to use the standard wizard (as shown above) to match job titles to the job levels you just imported.

You will then be able to review your import and save your data!

Levels and bands on the employee profile

Before you will be able to see the levels and bands information on an employee's profile, you will need to add the fields. You can do this on one employee's profile, and it will automatically apply to all others. 

To add the fields, navigate to the employee's Job tab and click Edit Fields. Click on the Add Fields dropdown and select Levels and Bands. Click Done to apply your changes.

You will not be able to see the levels and bands information on all included employees' profiles. For employees in an employee or manager access level, you can grant them View access or no access. For employees in a custom access level, you can grant them View access, View/Edit access, or no access.

Edit, delete, or export levels and bands

If you need to export, edit, or delete any of your levels and bands information, navigate back to Settings > Compensation and click on the action menu.

Clicking Edit Levels and Bands will allow you to make any edits or delete individual groups.

Clicking Delete Levels and Bands will delete ALL levels and bands you have created. This action is not reversible, so you will see a modal where you have to confirm that you would like to delete all levels and bands.

Clicking Export to CSV will automatically download a CSV file of your levels and bands data onto your computer. The file name will be "levels-and-bands-export.csv."