Employee Compensation
Purpose: This help guide will teach you about the information stored in the Compensation table on the employee profile.
Table of Contents
The Compensation table can be found on the Job tab on the employee's profile.
Click Update Compensation to add a new line to the table. Hover over a current line in the table to edit the current information.
Update Compensation
The following information is included in the Compensation table:
- Start and End Dates: This is the date the new compensation begins and ends for the employee.
- Pay Schedule: The pay schedule determines how often the employee is paid and when the payroll deductions will occur. An employee's pay schedule is tied to other features such as Benefits, Payroll, and Time Tracking. Pay Schedules can be set up in Settings.
- Pay Type: The pay type field includes three options: Salary, Hourly, and Commission only. What you select here will determine the paid per options for Pay Rate.
Pay Rate: This is the amount the employee is paid. The currency will default to your default currency set up for your account in General Settings, but it can be changed for an individual employee when applicable.
- If you selected an Hourly Pay Type, then the 'per' option will default to per hour.
- If you selected Commission Only as the Pay Type, then you will not be able to select a Pay Rate.
- If you selected Salary as the Pay Type, you will have the option to select from the following list for 'per': Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Pay Period, and Piece.
- % change in compensation: If the Pay Type and Per fields are staying the same, you will see the % increase or decrease as you change the Pay Rate.
- Overtime Status: Select if the employee is Exempt or Non-exempt from overtime. If you select Non-exempt, you will have the option to enter the Overtime Rate.
- Change Reason: Select why you are changing this employee's compensation. You can add custom options to this list by clicking Add Item.
- Comment: Enter a comment to include more information about this compensation change.
If you are using the BambooHR Payroll integration, you will see a few differences in your Compensation table. Click here to learn more about what additional information will be included in the Compensation table.