API Error Code Definitions

What does each API error code mean?
Purpose: To help you understand each error code associated with the API. This help guide will review a list of error codes and their meanings.
HTTP status codes
Every request includes an HTTP status code with the result. The status code should be examined before the response.
- 200: OK - The request is a success.
- 201: Created - The resource is a successful creation. Confirms a success when creating a new employee, time off request, etc.
- 400: Bad Request - The request is invalid, or the server could not understand it. Resubmitting the request will likely result in the same error. We provide a header "X-BambooHR-Error-Messsage:" (the extra "s" in the message will be there) that usually gives additional information.
- 401: Unauthorized - Your API key is missing.
- 403: Forbidden - The application has attempted to perform an action it does not have privileges to access. Verify your key belongs to an enabled user with the required access.
- 404: Not Found - The resource is unfound with the given identifier. The given URL is not a valid API, or the ID of the object specified in the request is invalid. It can also be that the method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is unavailable.
- 406: Not Acceptable - The request contains references to nonexistent fields.
- 409: Conflict - The request attempts to create a duplicate. For employees, duplicate emails are not allowed. For lists, duplicated values are not allowed.
- 429: Limit Exceeded - The account has reached its employee limit and does not allow the addition of more employees.
- 500: Internal Server Error - The server has encountered an error while processing your request and failed.
- 502: Gateway Error - The load balances or web server has trouble connecting to the BambooHR app. Please try the request again.
- 503: Service Unavailable - The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try the request again. We provide a header that states "Retry-After" to let you know how long you should wait before retrying.
You can future-proof your code by using the following ranges.
- 200 - 299 as success codes
- 400 - 499 as client request errors
- 500 - 599 as server errors