Notes on the Employee Profile

How can I add notes about my employees?

Purpose: This guide will explain the function of the Notes tab and show you how to add notes about employees. The Notes tab tracks administrative information. For that reason, employees do not have access to this tab.

Add a note

Navigate to an employee's Notes tab and click on the text box. Enter your note and click Save. The system will upload your note with the date and your name (the person who created the note).

If custom or manager access level users have access to add notes about an employee, they will be able to view all notes about the employee, including their own notes. Those users can only edit or delete notes they have added. However, Full Admin users and the Account Owner can delete notes created by other users. 

Custom access level

You can give custom access level users access to view or edit an employee's Notes tab. Navigate to Settings > Access Levels. Choose (or create) a custom access level and click Access Level Settings

Under the See About Other Employees section, select the Notes tab and determine users' access by clicking on the icons. 

Manager access level

By default, users in a manager access level will have Edit access to their direct reports' Notes tab. This means the manager can add or view notes about the employees who directly report to them. 

If you need to edit the manager's access, choose their manager access level in Settings > Access Levels and then click on the available access options in the Notes Details row. 

If the manager needs to add or view notes about their indirect reports, you can select Direct Reports and Indirect Reports next to "This Access Level can access the information below for" but keep in mind that this setting will apply to ALL tabs listed on the employee profile.