BambooHR (preview)Setup and HR AdminEmployee ProfileWhere Can I Find an Employee's Manager?

Where Can I Find an Employee's Manager?

Purpose: To show you how to add a manager to an employee's profile in BambooHR.

Reports to vs. direct reports


The Reports To column in the Job Information table defines an employee's direct manager*. This information is also displayed in the employee summary on the left side within every tab on the employee profile.

The Direct Reports section automatically lists the individuals who report to an employee. This information is also displayed in the employee summary.

*Please note, if the manager is inactive, this will be indicated by the text "(Inactive)" next to their name.

Do you need help updating an employee's manager?

To update an employee's manager, navigate the employee's Job tab and click + Add Entry in the Job Information table.

Charlotte Abbott - Job

Select the new manager from the available list of employees in the Reports To field and click Save.

This action will add a new line of history to the Job Information table. To edit data in the current line, hover over the current line and click on the pencil icon.