Email Alerts in BambooHR

What are the email alerts in BambooHR?
Purpose: To help you understand what email alerts are available in BambooHR and how to set them up. Email alerts notify you and your colleagues about important details so you do not have to sweat the small stuff.
Do you prefer hands-on learning? Our interactive guides will guide you through different aspects of your BambooHR experience. We have an interactive guide specifically designed to show you how to customize your email alerts. You can use the link below to access this guide. All you need to do is modify the "REPLACEME" with your BambooHR subdomain, and you can get started!
BambooHR's email alerts will save you time by automating reminders to employees and managers. You can easily set the important reminders, and then forget them so you can focus on more important things, like building the company culture, hiring and retaining top talent, etc..
Email Alerts are found by going to "Email Alerts" in Settings. Simply click "+Add Alert" to get started. Additionally, once you have an alert set up, you can click on the name of an alert to make any edits or click the trash can icon to the right in order to delete an alert you've created. The "Send To" column helps you easily identify who that email alert is scheduled to go to.
It's important to note that email alerts will include all information in the alert regardless of the recipient's access level.
Available email alerts
Currently, the following email alerts are available:
- Benefit Eligibility
- Benefit Vendor Discrepancies
- Birthday Summary
- Birthdays
- Employee Birthday E-Card
- Employee Anniversaries
- Employee Anniversary Summary
- Employee Anniversary E-Card
- Custom Date
- Custom Table Date
- Employee Visa Renewal
- Employment Termination
- New Employee Upload
- New Hire
- Task Reminder Alert
- Pending Time Off Requests
- Time Off Approved Alert
- Time Off Balance Alert
- Time Off Denied Alert
- Time Off Reminder Alert
- Time Off Request Changed Alert
- Time Off Requested Event
- Training Expired
- Training Not Complete
- Training Renewal
When an email alert is triggered, and if its recipient is an employee, they will receive the alert as long as they have an active status in BambooHR. The recipient does not need to be enabled with access to receive an email alert. An employee with an inactive status will not receive an email alert.