BambooHR (preview)Employee ExperienceTotal RewardsAdmin Experience for Total Rewards

Admin Experience for Total Rewards

What is the admin experience like for Total Rewards? 

Purpose: This guide provides an overview of Total Rewards for BambooHR admins including how to access, add, remove, and view Total Rewards. 

Accessing Total Rewards

From Settings (gear icon), navigate to Total Rewards.

If you are having trouble accessing the Total Rewards settings, make sure you have completed the setup checklist and have the Full Admin access level enabled on your account.

Adding Employees

Total Rewards - Add Employees
  1. From Settings, navigate to Total Rewards
  2. Click Add Employees to select specific employees. 
  3. Click on an employee name and click ">" to move them over to the Selected Employees area. Do not forget to filter the list of available employees if you need to select employees from a similar department, division, location, etc. You can do this by clicking All Employees below Available Employees.
  4. Click Next Step to confirm the added employees and their compensation data. You can also click on the preview icon to the right of the employee name to preview their Total Rewards statement. The added employees will receive an email notification. 
  5. Click Save & Finish to save your changes to add the employee(s). When added, an email will be sent to the selected employee(s) from BambooHR notifying them that their Total Rewards statement is ready to be viewed.
  6. Click Send to complete the process of adding your employees.

Removing Employees

Total Rewards
  1. From Settings, navigate to Total Rewards
  2. Select one or more employees from the table by marking the appropriate checkboxes.
  3. Click on the trash can icon at the top of the list. 
  4. Follow the steps to confirm the removal of the employee(s) you have selected. This action will immediately remove the selected employee from the Total Rewards list. It will also remove the Total Rewards selection from their employee profile. 

Viewing employees' Total Rewards

Managers currently do not have access to their direct reports’ Total Rewards Statements, as statements can include information that may be beyond the scope of the manager’s access, like Equity, Benefits, and Bonuses. 

If a manager needs access, a Full Admin can download an export of the statement to share with managers regarding their direct reports.

Understanding employees' Total Rewards

When you preview an employee’s Total Rewards statement, you'll see all of their total  rewards information. Here’s how to understand the statement.

  1. Total Rewards Overview: Shows the current compensation number, including current pay rate and benefits and perks
  2. Compensation Details: Shows the breakdown of current pay rate and benefits and perks
  3. Current Pay: Current compensation number
  4. Pay History: Pay history showing adjustments over time
  5. Potential Bonus: Total potential bonuses offered by your company
  6. Bonus History: Bonus history showing adjustments over time 
  7. Commission Summary: Total cumulative commission over time
  8. Commission History: Commission history showing adjustments over time 
  9. Benefits Summary: Current value of all benefits
  10. Benefits Details: Current benefits breakdown, including perks. If you are using Benefits Tracking, clicking the description under each benefit will bring you to the benefit's website. If you are enrolled in Benefits Administration, clicking the description under each benefit will show modal with more details.
  11. Time Off Summary: summary of time off including paid time off, volunteer time, sick days, etc
  12. Holiday Summary: summary of all company holidays