View Time Off History

How do I view time off history for a previous year?
Purpose: To help you understand how you can tailor the History table that displays your time off information.
Table of Contents
To view your time off history, or the history of a user you have access to, follow these steps:
- Navigate the Time Off tab.
- Select the time off category you would like to view in History.
- Click on the year drop-down box above the table on the left side to change the viewable year to another individual year. Additionally, you can click All to show the full history for all years.
- Select to view the Balance History or Requests history for time off.
The Upcoming Time Off table shows all upcoming time off requests regardless if they have been approved or denied. The table also shows company holidays in the next 60 days.
The Balance History table displays the detailed history for accrued hours and days, including the number of used accruals up to the current date. The information in the screenshot above shows:
- Approved Requests: On the first day of a request period, BambooHR deducts the full request amount from your current balance and place it in your Earned/Used table.
- Accruals: This information shows automatic accruals stemming from an assigned time off policy.
- Adjustments: Any adjustments made by an administrator for extenuating circumstances.
When you click Requests, you will find the associated date, comment, status, and requested amount of a specific time off category. There are five available statuses for a request:
- Superseded: An employee changes a request that they submitted that is currently in the approved or requested status. Once the request changes, the previous request supersedes, and the change will add a new request with Requested status. A superseded request does not deduct from the employee's time off balance but provides a complete history of the request. If a higher level user changes the request while it is in the requested status, it will also show as Superseded. However, if a higher level user changes the request after it has been approved, it will simply update the current request in the history.
- Denied: An approver declines an employee's request. Employees cannot edit denied requests.
- Approved*: An approver approves an employee's request. Notice that the Approved message is an active link. When an employee or an administrator clicks on the link, they can edit or cancel the request. Employees can only edit a request if the request's date is in the future. For past requests, only the administrator can edit them. If an employee edits an approved request, it will resubmit the request for approval.
- Requested: A request that is still pending or waiting for approval.
- Canceled: An employee cancels a pending request or after the request's approval with the request's date still being in the future.**
*Only requests with an Approved status deduct from an employee's balance.
**For a request that spans over multiple days, the request marks as Occurred if the first day of the time off period has begun.
Time Off adjustments to regularly accruing policies are often made during the run payroll process but are not always recorded on the employee Time Off tab. After the payroll run is approved, if there are any differences between the time off balances approved in BambooHR and what was processed in Payroll, an automatic adjustment will be made to balance the time off history and year-to-date totals.
The adjustment will show the date it was adjusted in payroll, the adjustment amount, and a note saying "Adjustment made by [insert first name, last name] during payroll.”
Please note these adjustments may take a day to show up on the employee's Time Off History table.
If you adjust a Flexible or Manual policy during payroll, you must still manually adjust the employee's balance on their profile. Click here for more information!