Change Your W-2 Delivery Method

How do I change my W-2 delivery status?

Purpose: This help guide will show you how to change your selected W-2 delivery status. 

Go Paperless


Log into BambooHR and navigate to the Taxes section on the employee's Pay Info tab. Under the Tax Document section, click the option Go paperless and get my tax documents exclusively online to toggle on electronic tax documents. If this setting is toggled off, the employee will receive their tax documents via mail using their home address. Regardless of their election, they can view the electronic version of their W-2 or 1099 on the Pay Info tab in BambooHR after 1/31 each year. The deadline for electing your tax document delivery status varies from year to year but is typically around early to mid-January.

Only employees or administrators with access to the employee profile will be able to activate the paperless option. This must be done on an individual basis per employee (i.e. there is no mass-edit option for paperless tax documents.) 

Please be aware of the IRS consent regulations for distributing electronic W-2s as outlined in the 2021 Publication 15-A on page 3.