Employee Document Upload

Where can I upload and view my documents?
Purpose: This guide will show you how to upload a document to your employee profile.
Table of Contents
Upload a document
If you have access, you can upload documents to the Documents tab on your employee profile. To do this, go to My Info and click on the Documents tab. Select Upload and browse for an applicable document or drag and drop a document in the pop-up box. After you upload a document, it will automatically appear in the Employee Uploads folder,* and only an administrator can move the file to another folder.
*Please note the Employee Uploads folder will not show up until you upload your first document. Additionally, documents you have attached to an onboarding or offboarding task will automatically upload to this folder.
The Documents tab includes any personal documents that another user has shared* with you. Click on a folder to see all documents within the folder. Click on a document title to preview the document. The preview pop-up box will give you three options: Download, Print, and Email.
*When you upload a personal document, it will automatically be available to you in your Documents tab.