Manually Adjust Time Off Balances

How do I manually adjust time off balances?
Purpose: To help you understand how to manually adjust an employee's available time off balance.
Table of Contents
Please note that only admin users have access to edit manual balance adjustments. You should use an adjustment to:
- Add hours outside of an automatic accrual (i.e., a bonus for an anniversary or a job well done, etc.).
- Subtracting hours outside of a time off request (i.e., a penalty for tardiness, an employee gifts some of their time off to a fellow employee, etc.).

Adjust an employee's balance by hovering your mouse over the time off category you would like to adjust and then click on the +/- button.
- Under Amount, select Add or Subtract and the number of days or hours.
- Select the effective date.
- Add a note as a reference for why the adjustment was made and click Save.
Remember that you should always use the Record Time Off button when manually recording time off for an employee instead of adjusting their time off balance. This is important because it will affect a couple of areas within BambooHR, such as your time off reports, the Payroll Change report, and the Who's Out widget. Click here to learn how to record time off for an employee manually.