Access Options for Time Tracking
How do I grant my users access to BambooHR Time Tracking?
Purpose: The Timesheet tab automatically shows to employees if they have Time Tracking enabled. This guide will show you how to manage employee access to Time Tracking and grant users of manager and custom access levels access to other employees' timesheet information.
Anyone with View or Edit access to an employee's Timesheet tab will be able to print a PDF version of the employee's timesheet.
Employees automatically have Edit access to their Timesheet tab when you give them access to Time Tracking. If you want another user to fill out timesheet information for an employee and the employee to view only their timesheets, you can customize this access through employee access levels.
Navigate Settings to click Access Levels. Select the corresponding employee access level and click Access Level Settings. Under the "What Can People with this Access Level See?", click See About Themselves and select the Timesheet tab. Change the access to View Only, and be sure to save your changes.
Please note that the Timesheet tab access only applies to employees who have Time Tracking enabled. Access settings apply to all information on the Timesheet tab and do not break down by fields.
If you want to restrict your employees to only use the clock in and clock out feature instead of editing or adding entries manually, you will need to give employees View Only access to timesheets.
Managers automatically have View access to their direct reports or direct and indirect reports depending on access level settings as long as they are part of a manager access level. If you need your managers to edit timesheet information or do not want them to view it at all, you can customize this access through manager access levels.
Navigate Settings to click Access Levels. Select the corresponding manager access level and click Access Level Settings. Under the "What Can People with this Access Level See?", click on See About other Employees and select the Timesheet tab. Change the tab to the desired access, and be sure to save your changes.
Custom access level users do not automatically have access to the Timesheet tab or BambooHR Time Tracking Settings. If you need custom access level users to view or edit other employees' timesheet information, you can customize this access through Access Level Settings. You can also determine their access to approve timesheets, manage Time Tracking Settings, and enable Time Tracking for employees.
Access to other employees' timesheets
To grant users access to other employees' timesheets, navigate Settings to click Access Levels. Select the corresponding custom access level and click Access Level Settings. Under the "What Can People with this Access Level See?", click on See About other Employees and select the Timesheet tab. Change the tab to the desired access, and be sure to save your changes.
Access to Time Tracking Settings
There are five additional access options for Time Tracking Settings:
- Approve Timesheets: The user can approve employee timesheets they have access to view.
- Enable/Disable Time Tracking for all Employees: The user can add or remove employees from BambooHR Time Tracking.
- Manage Hour Imports: The user can add, edit, and/or delete hours from the Hours Importer and Hours API.
- Manage Project Tracking: The user can add, edit, and/or delete projects and assign employees.
- Time Tracking Settings: The user can access Time Tracking in Settings to view all enabled employees and manage the Time Tracking setup. Be aware, if you grant a user access to Time Tracking in Settings, they will automatically be granted access to project tracking settings as they are a part of Time Tracking settings.
To grant users access to these five options, navigate Access Level Settings. Under the "What Can People with this Access Level Do?", click Time Tracking. Check the box next to the four options available. Then, click on Settings and check the box next to Time Tracking.
If you use BambooHR Payroll, please note that those in the Payroll Admin access level will have access to all timesheets. If you do not use BambooHR Payroll and are interested in learning more, click here!