Create a Time Off Policy

How do I create a time off policy?
Purpose: To help you understand how a time off policy can automatically accrue time off for your employees. This help guide will walk you through how to create a new time off policy.
Table of Contents
- New Policy
- How to Add a Manually Managed Policy
- Add Time Off Policy
- Time Off Settings
- Employees' receive accrued time...
- Transition employees to new Milestones...
- What if I need to change my accrual policy for next year?
- Do you know you can view a history of changes made to your accruing time off policy?
- Do you know that you can duplicate a time off policy?
- Do you need to delete a time off policy?
Do you prefer hands-on learning? Our interactive guides will guide you through different aspects of your BambooHR experience. We have an interactive guide specifically designed to show you how to create a time off policy. You can use the link below to access this guide. All you need to do is modify the "REPLACEME" with your BambooHR subdomain, and you can get started!
New Policy
A time off policy gives your employees an automatic accrual amount on a specified schedule. The accrual amount adds to the available balance for the associated time off category. You can create as many different policies as needed in BambooHR. This is particularly helpful if you have locations with varied accrual rules or a handful of employees with negotiated policies.
To create a time off policy, go to Time Off in Settings, navigate to the Overview tab, and select + New Policy. Then select It accrues time (traditional) and click Create Policy.

To add a manual policy option, select the +New Policy button and click on the Manually Managed Policy link. From here, give the policy a name and determine the category the policy should belong to. Then, click Save.
When you create a time off policy, you will need to select which category the policy should belong to and add a policy name. If necessary, you can create a time off category by selecting + Add Category instead of an existing time off category. See the screenshot below.

A time off accrual policy determines how often and how much time off an employee earns. If your employees earn their time off at different rates and different times (i.e., full-time vs. part-time), you can create more than one policy option for the time off category.
Clicking Next Step will take you to the Accrual Setup step.
- Accrual Schedule: How much time off will your employees earn, and with what frequency? Once you have selected this, a calculated annual total will show to the side. For more information on each of the accrual options, click here.
- Accrual Waiting Period: Consider when the employees will become eligible to begin earning time off. In this example, our employees start accruing time 2 weeks after their hire date.
- Balance Cap: This setting is optional. Once the accrual amount reaches its maximum, the employees will not accrue any more time until the balance falls below the maximum.
- Carryover Amount: Determine if time off can carry into the following year. If yes, how much?
- Add Milestone: If your employees earn more time the longer they are employed, click + Add Tenure Milestone. This will allow you to add new accrual information that will apply based on how long they've been with your company.
- Milestone Schedule: Enter when your employees will move to this milestone.
- Accrual Amount: Enter the new amount they will be accruing. At this point in the setup process, you cannot edit the frequency. See this section for more information on editing.
- Accrual Cap and Carryover: If these settings are different than the original accrual, you can enter that here.
- Add Another Milestone: There is no limit to the number of milestones you can add.
- Remove Milestone: If you need to delete a milestone you can click here. A modal will appear having you confirm the deletion.

- Carryover Date: This section will allow you to choose if the carryover allowance takes place at the beginning of the year, on the employee's hire date, or on a specific date.
- Carryover Expiration: This segment allows you to set an expiration date for an employee's carryover.
- Reset negative balance: Checking this box will allow employees with a negative time off-balance to reset to 0 on the carryover date. This will apply to all accrual policy levels and is applicable in all carryover scenarios (None, Up to, and Unlimited).

Accrual options apply to all milestones within a time off policy:
- Employees' first accrual: Do you want the employees assigned to this policy to receive the full amount or a prorated amount (if applicable) when the first accrual occurs? For example, if an employee got hired in the middle of the month, should they receive the full accrual or a prorated amount for how many days they worked that month?
- Employees receive accrued time: Do your employees get their time off at the start or end of the accrual period? In the example above, my employees receive the accrual amount at the start of the accrual period, which is before they work that month (more information below).
- Transition employees to new Milestones: This determines when the employees will move up to the next accrual milestone (more information below).
Tip: If you need help with fine-tuning your policy, click on the question mark icon next to each option. This action will give you an additional explanation and help you make the right selection for your policy.
Clicking Next Step again will bring you to the Summary page. Here we will walk you through what this policy will look like. Click Next: Milestone [#] to see the breakdown of each milestone.
Once you are satisfied with the setup of your policy, click Save & Finish. This will take you back to the Time Off page in Settings.
Time Off Settings
Policies live under the accompanied time off category* name in the middle menu once you create them. If you click on a policy name, a table will display a list of employees currently assigned to the policy. Click Add Employees to assign new employees to the policy. A modal will then populate a list of employees not currently assigned to the policy for you to choose from. If an employee is already assigned to a policy, the policy name will appear next to their name.
You can also make changes to the policy settings for accrual policies by clicking Edit Policy. The policy type is specified next to the gear drop-down.
*Not all time off categories have time off policies attached to them. For example, jury duty is usually a time off category without automatic accruals because not all employees need to go on jury duty each year. Therefore, it would be better to add a manual adjustment instead of a time off policy. This adjustment refers to a manually updated balance. An unlimited time off category is another example. In BambooHR, we call this flexible, and we track the time off used instead of the current balance. Flexible or manually updated policies can be created in Time Off Settings. You can learn more about these different time off categories here.
Tip: Once you have created a time off accrual policy, you will need to assign it to any applicable employees. If you need those employees to access your new time off policy, be sure to grant them access through Access Levels settings.

When creating a time off policy, the Employees receive accrued time... setting will define the timing of the accrual. There are two options:
- At the start of the accrual period: Time off will deposit on the first day of the accrual period. Employees receive the accrual up-front before the accrual period has occurred.
- At the end of the accrual period: Time off will deposit on the day after the accrual period ends. This option essentially functions like a paycheck in that employees work for the accrual period and then are "paid" by having time added to their balances.
Company A: YEARLY
Employees get their 20 PTO days on January 1st of the specific year.

Company B: MONTHLY
Employees get their 2 PTO days at the beginning of each month.

Company A: YEARLY
Employees work a whole year before getting their 20 PTO days on January 1st of the next year.

Company B: MONTHLY
Employees work for a month to earn their 2 PTO days at the beginning of the next month.

The examples above are for a monthly accrual frequency.
This setting only applies if your policy has multiple milestones and pertains to when an employee should transfer from one milestone to the next: Right when they become eligible or At the end of the accrual period.
In the policy above, an employee will start accruing eight hours on the 1st of every month as of their hiring. After they have worked for one year, they will be eligible to accrue 10 hours monthly.
Since the employee's first employment anniversary will most likely be in the middle of the month, the milestone transition defines if the employee should start accruing at the next milestone right when they become eligible or wait until the current accrual period is over before increasing to the higher amount.
For example, let's say we have assigned this policy to an employee hired on April 8, 2019. If the milestone transition sets to:
- Right when they become eligible: The employee moves to the higher rate of accrual on their hire date anniversary (April 8, 2020). This particular employee will receive a partial accrual from the initial accrual (1.8 hours) on April 1, 2020, and a partial accrual from milestone 1 (7.74 hours) on April 8, 2020. This setting gives the employee a total of 9.54 hours during April, and they will start accruing at the higher full rate of 10 hours monthly in May.
- At the end of the accrual period: The employee moves to the higher rate at the beginning of the next accrual period (May 1, 2020). This particular employee will receive eight hours from the initial accrual on April 1, 2020, their anniversary month, and 10 hours from the milestone accrual on May 1, 2020. They will then continue to earn at the higher accrual rate moving forward.
Scenario 1
- Accrual: 1st Year - 20 PTO days yearly
- Accrual: 2nd Year - 25 PTO days yearly
- Transition Happens - End of accrual period
- Accruals Happen - At the start of the accrual period
- Employee Anniversary - July 18

Scenario 2
- Accrual: 1st Year - 2 PTO days monthly
- Accrual: 2nd Year - 3 PTO days monthly
- Transition Happens - Right when they become eligible
- Accruals Happen - At the end of the accrual period
- Employee Anniversary - July 16

Scenario 3
- Accrual: 1st Year - 25 PTO days yearly
- Accrual: 2nd Year - 30 PTO days yearly
- Transition Happens - Right when they become eligible
- Accruals Happen - At the start of the accrual period
- Employee Anniversary - July 18

Scenario 4
- Accrual: 1st Year - 20 PTO days yearly
- Accrual: 2nd Year - 25 PTO days yearly
- Accruals Happen - At the end of the accrual period
- Transition Happens - Right when they become eligible
- Employee Anniversary - June 18

If the policy carryover date is January 1st, you can make the changes ahead of time and choose to have them go into effect on a future date.
To update the policy, go to Settings > Time Off > click on the name of the policy you would like to edit > click Edit Policy. If you need to edit the initial accrual schedule or a milestone schedule, you will need to click Edit Schedule. Once you have made your changes, you can determine when those changes should go into effect. For example, if you are looking to change the accruals starting on January 1st of the upcoming year, you would select the Future Date option. Don't forget to save your changes!
*What if I need to change my accrual frequency?
If you want to change the accrual frequency of your policy, i.e., change a monthly policy to a bi-weekly policy, then you will want to schedule your policy changes based on when they should take effect.
For example, you have a monthly policy that gives an accrual on 12/1/2019 for eight hours, which you change to five hours every two weeks, it will automatically rerun the accruals back to 12/1/19 and replace that monthly accrual with your new bi-weekly accruals for that month.
Once you create your new policy, you can use the power edit tool to assign it to all employees. Select the employees and the corresponding time off category policy field, i.e., Vacation Policy. You can then select the new policy for the selected employees and set the accrual start date for the new policy. Be sure to make this update after the last accrual of the old policy and before the first accrual of the new policy.
To view previous version of your accruing time off policy, simply navigate to Time Off in Settings and select the policy name from the center column. Then click on the gear icon and select Policy Edit History. You can view the complete setup of the policy by clicking on the effective date or view a summary of the policy right on the preview page. You can also see who edited the policy, when it was edited, and the policy version's current status.
To duplicate a time off policy, click on the policy name in Time Off settings, click on the gear menu, and select Duplicate Policy. This action will take you to the policy creation page and automatically create a duplicate of the policy for you. You can then make any minor changes before saving the new policy.
If you are no longer using a time off policy, click on the policy name in Time Off settings, click the gear menu, and select Delete Policy.

If the policy has any assigned employees, you will see a warning in the pop-up box. Type DELETE to confirm the policy deletion.
Any employees assigned to the policy will have the policy removed from their view.