BambooHR (preview)Time OffTime Off TroubleshootingMy manual adjustment is not showing on an employee’s time off balance.

My manual adjustment is not showing on an employee’s time off balance.

Why isn't a manual adjustment showing on an employee's time off balance?

Purpose: This resource will help you troubleshoot a missing manual adjustment in BambooHR. Click on number 1 below to begin.

Did you know we have a BambooHR Learning course about Time Off Troubleshooting? Click here to learn more about what is included in this course. 

1. When you view the time off history at the bottom of an employee’s Time Off tab and select All in the year dropdown, do you see manual adjustments there that are not adding or deducting from the time off balance?
  • Yes, I see the manual adjustments in the history, but they are not reflecting on the balance.
    • All manual adjustments must have an effective date that is on or after the Manually Updated Balance line in the time off history. Try to delete those past manual adjustments, and then resubmit them. Note: If the past manual adjustments were not showing in the balance, you will need to delete them because editing them will not make a change.
  • Yes, I see manual adjustments, but they are adding/deducting from the balance correctly. Move to question #2.
  • No, I do not see manual adjustments there, but there should be manual adjustments.
    • If you are not seeing any adjustments in the time off history, it is likely that the adjustments need to be resubmitted. This resource walks you through how to manually adjust time off balances.
  • No, there are no manual adjustments. Move to question #2.
2. You have done an awesome job troubleshooting so far! At this point, we recommend that you reach out directly to a support hero to look further into your situation.

Please reach out to a support hero here with the following information: 

  • The employee # of at least one employee experiencing this issue
  • What that employee’s time off balance and/or accrual should be (if it’s currently showing incorrectly)
  • A description of the problem you are seeing
  • What you have tested so far