Who Approved or Denied a Time Off Request

How can I tell who approved or denied a time off request?
Purpose: To show you where you can find which user has taken action on a specific time off request.
Table of Contents
Go to the Time Off tab of an employee whose request was approved or denied, and select the time off category from the pull-down menu above the History table.
To view a list of the requests for the employee, select Requests just above the History table. The information regarding who approved or denied each request will then show under the Status column. To show data from a previous time frame, click the year drop-down menu just above the table on the left side.
Multi-level approvals
If you use multi-level approvals in your account and a request still shows as Requested in the History table, you can view the request in your inbox to see what stage the request is at in the approval process.
In the screenshot above, the request from Charlotte has to be approved by two approvers. Once the first approver approves the request, it will move on to the second approver.