The automatic accruals are incorrect in my employee's time off history.

Why are the automatic accruals incorrect in my employee's time off history?
Purpose: This resource will help you troubleshoot automatic accrual questions in BambooHR. Each scenario will take you through a tree map of questions to help you find the right solution for your account. Click number 1 below to begin.
Table of Contents
- 1. If you go to the employee’s Time Off tab, does the name of the correct policy show under the time off category?
- 2. When you hover over the time off category, click change policy, and select "adjust accrual start date" what is the date that shows up?
- 3. Is the accrual start date correct?
- 4. Was the employee’s balance negative at some point due to a past adjustment or time off request?
- 5. Are there any future time off requests you were expecting to get deducted from the balance immediately that made the balance/accruals look incorrect?
- 6. Are all of the time off requests correct?
- 7. Go to Settings > Time Off, and click on the assigned policy. Is the policy set up to start at the intended time?
- 8. Is the accrued amount and frequency correct?
- 9. Is the balance cap correct?
- 10. Is the carryover amount correct?
- 11. Do you have the other milestones of the policy set up correctly?
- 12. Do your milestone transitions happen at the correct time?
- 13. Do you have a different accrual frequency from one milestone to the next milestone (i.e., The initial accrual is yearly while Milestone 1 accrues on the anniversary)?
- 14. Is the First Accrual option correct?
- 15. Is the carryover date correct?
- 16. Do accruals happen at the correct time?
- 17. Go to Settings > Time Off and click on the assigned policy. Is the policy set to accrue per hour worked?
- 18. Do your employees use BambooHR® Time Tracking?
- 19. Is the timesheet approved?
- 20. Are the tracked hours on your employee’s timesheet correct?
- 21. Have you completed the Hours Worked import for your employees?
- 22. In your Hours Worked import, did you use the correct effective date that falls in the accrual period you are expecting to see?
- 23. Have you or any of your colleagues recently made changes to the time off policy?
- 24. You have done an awesome job troubleshooting so far! At this point, we recommend that you reach out directly to a support hero to look further into your situation.
No, the policy name doesn’t show:
- You will need to assign the policy to this employee. We recommend verifying that your policy setup is correct before you assign it. This guide can help you with this process: “Create a Time Off Policy.”
No, the incorrect policy name shows:
- You will need to assign the correct policy to this employee. We recommend verifying that your policy is set up correctly before you assign it. This guide can help you with verifying that your policy is set up correctly: “Create a Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, my employee is assigned the correct policy. Move to question #2.
It is a future date, which is correct.
- The automatic accruals will not activate until that future date. You are welcome to calculate future time off balances to verify that the future accruals will be correct.
It is a future date, which is incorrect.
- Change the accrual start date to the correct date. Keep in mind that if you select a past date, all accruals from that date forward will get overwritten based on the current policy settings. If you need to start automatic accruals before an employee’s hire date, you will need to backdate the accrual level start date, which you can learn about here.
It is a past date, which is incorrect.
- You can change the accrual start date to the correct date, but this will not remove the extra accruals from the past. You will need to subtract the extra accrual amount by manually adjusting the time off balances. In extenuating circumstances, our support heroes can remove all accruals from the time off history.
- It is a past or present date, which is correct. Move to question #3.
Note: A future accrual level start date will prevent accruals until that future date.
No, the accrual start date is incorrect.
- Select the correct accrual level start date, then save the changes. Keep in mind that the accrual start date applies to all time off categories. Changes to the Accrual Start Date are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the accrual level start date is correct. Move to question #4.
Within BambooHR, it is possible for your employee’s time off balances to go negative. This can sometimes make it seem like an accrual or balance is incorrect when they are actually correct.
When you view the time off history at the bottom of an employee’s Time Off tab, select Balance History from the right corner dropdown, enter All in the year dropdown, and then take a look at the Balance column. Was the employee’s balance negative at some point due to a past adjustment or time off request?
Yes, the balance was negative at one point, which is why the accruals looked incorrect in the time off balance. The accruals and balance are actually correct.
- If you would like to fix the negative balance, you can manually adjust the time off balances to add the applicable amount. Otherwise, that negative balance will get filled in when your employees receive future accruals.
- Yes, the balance was negative at one point, but the accrual in the time off history shows the incorrect amount despite the negative balance. Move to question #5.
- No, the balance was not negative at any point. Move to question #5.
Future time off requests are not deducted from the balance until the future date.
- Yes, there are future time off requests that have not been deducted from the balance, which is why the time off balance/accruals looked incorrect.
- Yes, there are future time off requests, but the accrual in the time off history shows the incorrect amount despite the future time off requests. Move to question #6.
- No, there are no future time off requests. Move to question #6.
When employees submit requests, they have the option to enter zeroes and other values (like half days) rather than taking off a full day. In some cases, this can make it seem like the time off balance/accruals are incorrect.
View the time off history at the bottom of the employee’s Time Off tab and switch the right corner drop-down to Requests. Take a look at each request, specifically the (-) column. You can also click on the status of a request to see more information about the request. Are all of the requests correct?
Note: Superseded requests are for historical purposes only and do not affect the time off balance. Future requests do not get deducted until the first day of the request.
No, there are requests that are incorrect, which is why the balance/accruals looked incorrect.
- A Full Admin can update or cancel any time off requests to make the necessary corrections.
- Yes, all requests are correct. Move to question #7.

Note: No accruals will show until the employee has reached that designated accrual start time.
Example: The policy starts 30 days after hire date. An employee gets hired on September 1 and is assigned to the policy on September 1. The employee is not eligible to receive automatic accruals until October 1.
No, the start time is incorrect.
- If the start time is incorrect, enter the correct starting time, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the start time is correct. Move to question #8.
Note: There is one frequency option for Yearly and another for Anniversary.
If you have selected Biweekly, you will need to verify that you have selected the correct weeks for the accrual to happen on.
No, the accrued amount and/or frequency is not correct.
- If the accrued amount and/or frequency is incorrect, enter the correct accrual amount and frequency, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the accrued amount and frequency is correct. Move to question #9.
What is a balance cap? Once the employee’s time off balance reaches the balance cap, the employee will not accrue any more time off until the balance falls below the capped amount.
No, the balance cap is incorrect.
- If the balance cap is incorrect, enter the correct balance cap, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the balance cap is correct. Move to question #10.
What is the carryover amount? This determines the amount of unused time off an employee can use for the coming time off year. Any amount of time off above the specified carryover amount will be removed on the carryover date.
No, the carryover amount is incorrect.
- If the carryover amount is incorrect, enter the correct carryover amount setting, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the carryover amount is correct. Move to question #11.
Note: Two years after an employee’s hire date means that the employee would be heading into their third year of employment.
Example: If I hired an employee on January 1, 2021, two years after their hire date would be January 1, 2023, which is the beginning of their third year at the company.
Note: In the Employees accrue box, you need to enter the total number of hours/days the employee should receive, not just the additional amount they receive from moving up to the new milestone.
Example: When employees get hired, they receive 80 hours of time off. On their one-year anniversary, they receive 40 more hours of time off to use each year. On the second milestone of the policy, you would enter 120 hours for the amount they accrue.
No, the other milestone(s) are incorrect.
- Enter the corrections to all milestones of the policy, and then save the changes. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, all milestones are correct. Move to question #12.
- My policy does not have milestones. Move to question #14.

You can go here to make sure you understand what it means for milestone transitions to happen Right when they become eligible versus At the end of the accrual period.
No, the Transition employees to new Milestones... option is incorrect.
- If the Transition employees to new Milestones... option was set incorrectly, enter the correct option, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the Transition employees to new Milestones... option is correct. Move to question #13.
- We have no milestones in our policy, so the Transition employees to new Milestones... option is not required. Move to question #13.
Note: In some cases, when the accrual frequency changes from one milestone to the next milestone of a policy, there will either be an extra accrual or a skipped accrual due to the transition from the old milestone to the new milestone. This can make the accruals appear incorrect when they are actually functioning as expected.
Yes, the accrual frequency changes from one milestone to the next milestone.
- If the accrual frequency changes from one milestone to the next milestone, there are two scenarios that will require a manual adjustment:
- You will need to manually add time off if the milestone transition occurred between accruals on the original accrual schedule. This will cause a missed accrual while the system adjusts to the new accrual schedule.
- You will need to manually subtract time off if the transition occurred after the last accrual in the old frequency but before the accrual for the new frequency. This could grant an extra accrual depending on the period.
- Alternate solution: Create two separate policies, rather than having one policy with different accrual frequencies for each milestone. You could then assign the new policy at the appropriate time.
- If the accrual frequency changes from one milestone to the next milestone, there are two scenarios that will require a manual adjustment:
- No, the accrual frequency stays the same on all milestones. Move to question #14.

If you select Prorated, based on the accrual period the employee will receive a partial first accrual based on when they were hired. For example, if they were hired in the middle of the accrual period, they would only receive half of an accrual for their first accrual.
If you select The full amount for the accrual period, the employee will receive a full accrual regardless of when they got hired, they will receive a full first accrual.
No, the first accrual option is incorrect.
- If the first accrual option is incorrect, enter the correct first accrual option, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the first accrual option is correct. Move to question #15.

Remember, this is the day that all time off above the carryover amount will get subtracted from the balance.
No, the carryover date is incorrect.
- If the carryover date is incorrect, enter the correct carryover date, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.”
- Yes, the carryover date is correct. Move to question #16.
- We have unlimited carryover, so the carryover date is not required. Move to question #16.

You can go here to make sure that you understand what it means for employees to receive accruals at the start of the accrual period versus the end of the accrual period.
No, the Employees receive accrued time... option is incorrect.
- If the Employees receive accrued time... option is incorrect, there are two different ways you could resolve this:
- 1) Create a new time off policy with the correct Employees receive accrued time... option, and then assign the new time off policy. OR
- 2) Edit your current time off policy, select the correct Employees receive accrued time... option, and then save the changes to the policy. Policy changes are reflected only on future accruals, unless you refresh the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to do this: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.” After you have updated the accrual history, it is possible that you will need to submit a manual adjustment to fully correct the balance. As long as you have corrected the policy, the future accruals should not require any manual adjustment.
- Yes, the Employees receive accrued time... option is correct. Move to question #17.
- Yes, they track their hours through Time Tracking. Move to question #19.
- No, they do not track their hours worked through Time Tracking. Move to question #21.
No, the timesheet is not approved.
- Timesheets must be approved in order for the accruals to calculate for Per Hour Worked policies. Approve the employee’s timesheet, and then the accruals under the time off history will automatically update.
- Yes, the timesheet is approved. Move to question #20.
No, the hours worked are not correct.
- If the timesheet was incorrect, you can add to or edit the timesheet to ensure that the hours worked are correct. This help guide gives you more information on adding hours to timesheets: “Add Hours to My Timesheet.” As long as the timesheet is approved, the time off accruals will automatically update after you have updated the timesheet.
- Yes, the employee’s timesheet is correct. Move to question #23.
No, I have not imported the hours my employees have worked.
- If you do not have BambooHR Time Tracking, importing hours worked is required for your per hour worked policy to calculate correctly. This help guide walks you through how to complete this import: “Hours Worked Import.”
- Yes, I have completed the Hours Worked import. Move to question #22.
Example: Accruals happen every other week at the end of the period. On January 15, you expect to see an accrual for the time worked January 1 - January 14. The effective dates in your Hours Worked import must be between January 1 - January 14 to be included in the calculation of the accrual on January 15.
No, I did not have the correct effective dates on my Hours Worked import.
- If the effective dates on your Hours Worked import are incorrect, you will need to do a few things.
- 1) You will need to complete a deletion import to reverse the incorrect import. Essentially, you will add a Delete column to your original import to reverse that. This help guide shows you what your deletion spreadsheet should look like: “Import Hours Worked.”
- 2) You need to re-import the hours worked after you have corrected the effective dates.
- 3) If the accrual should have happened in the past, you will need to update the accrual history by refreshing it.
- Yes, I used the correct effective dates. Move to question #23.
- If the effective dates on your Hours Worked import are incorrect, you will need to do a few things.
When you make changes to a time off policy, those changes will automatically apply to future accruals. However, the past accruals will remain the same.
Yes, we made changes to the policy, but we need those changes to apply to the past.
- If you want your policy changes to apply to the past accruals, you will need to update the accrual history. This help guide walks you through how to refresh the accrual history for one employee and for your employees in bulk: “Update Accruals for an Employee’s Time Off Policy.” We recommend that you try this with just one employee at first to make sure that the result is what you need. Keep in mind that when you refresh the accruals as of a past date, all accruals from that date forward will get overwritten based on the current policy settings.
- Yes, we have made changes to the policy, but we only want those changes to be reflected on future accruals. Move to question #24.
- No, we have not made any changes to the time off policy settings. Move to question #24.
Please reach out to a support hero here with the following information:
- The employee # of at least one employee experiencing this issue
- What that employee’s time off balance and/or accrual should be (if it’s currently showing incorrectly)
- A description of the problem you are seeing
- What you have tested so far