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How do I add the "Request Time Off" feature for an employee?

Identify employee

Identify the specific employee to determine appropriate access level.

To help you add the 'Request Time Off' feature, could you please specify which employees need access to this feature? This will ensure we set it up correctly for the right individuals.

Determine time off categories

Determine the time off categories the employee should be able to request.

Thank you for providing the employee details. As a next step, could you please specify which time off categories these employees should be able to request? This will help us configure the feature to meet your needs.

Identify employee's access level

Identify the employee's access level: Employee, Manager, or Custom.

Settings for Manager Access Level

Navigate to Settings > Access Levels > select the manager access level and click Access Level Settings.

Managers (0)

Select the "See About Themselves" tab to determine the employee access level that is selected.

Edit Manager Access Level

Note which employee level and click Cancel.

Settings for Custom Access Level

Navigate to Settings > Access Levels > select the custom access level and click Access Level Settings.

IT (0)

Select the "See About Themselves" tab.

Edit Custom Access Level

What is selected under 'Which Access Level should apply?'

If "Equal Access" is selected, check Can Request Time Off for and choose categories. Click Save.

Edit Custom Access Level

If Employee Access Level, note which employee level and click Cancel.

Edit Custom Access Level

Settings for Employee Access Level

Navigate to Settings > Access Levels > select the employee access level and click Access Level Settings.

Select the "See About Themselves" tab and go to the "Time Off" tab.

Check Can Request Time Off for and choose categories.

Choose "View Only Access" or "No Access" as needed.

Save updated settings

Save the updated Access Level settings.

Congratulations, you are done!