Checkr | Marketplace Partner

Purpose: To help you understand what you can use Checkr for and how you can integrate it with BambooHR.
Table of Contents
An overview from BambooHR® Marketplace:
More than 30,000 companies trust Checkr for their background screenings. The Checkr AI-powered background check platform is built to help you hire great people faster, while maintaining compliance, trust, and safety. Checkr integrates directly with BambooHR to make overseeing the screening process simple and reliable.
Checkr is the only background check company using artificial intelligence and machine learning to make hiring more inclusive and efficient. Learn how Checkr is setting a new standard for speed, accuracy, and safety.
Solutions tailored to your needs
Checkr helps you hire at scale, improve compliance, and streamline operations. Checkr works with companies and hiring leadership roles of all kinds.
- Increase operational efficiency
- Improve candidate experience and conversion
- Expand and optimize your candidate pool
- Differentiate your brand to attract candidates and customers
You can learn more about Checkr in BambooHR® Marketplace.
Note: The admin in both BambooHR and Checkr will need to complete these steps. If this is not the same person at your company, have your Checkr admin authenticate through the BambooHR admin's account.
Install the app in BambooHR settings
To begin installing this integration, go to Settings > Apps and click Install next to Checkr.

You will be redirected to a new URL to enter your BambooHR account subdomain*.
*The subdomain is the first part of your BambooHR URL. For example, if your BambooHR URL is, your subdomain would be helpcontent.

If you have not logged in to BambooHR, you will arrive at your BambooHR login page to enter your login credentials.

Next, you will be redirected to a new URL to create a Checkr account. If you already have a Checkr account, click Sign In.
Fill out the Contact/Business information and the Payment method forms, and then click Continue.
After you have submitted your information to Checkr for review, you need to wait for credentialing, which takes one to two business days. Once credentialing is complete, Checkr will notify you, and you can start ordering background checks.
Disabling the Legacy integration
To disable the Legacy integration in BambooHR, have the Checkr admin log in to the Checkr account and navigate to Account Settings > Integrations and click Turn off for BambooHR - Legacy.
Installing the new integration
Note: The admin in both BambooHR and Checkr will need to complete these steps. If this is not the same person at your company, have your Checkr admin authenticate through the BambooHR admin's account.
If you are already using Checkr in BambooHR and need to update the integration, navigate to Settings > Apps. Click Install next to the Checkr app to begin. A modal will appear for you to connect your Checkr account and install the integration in BambooHR. You will need to log in to Checkr before you can initiate the installation. After installing the new app, Checkr will need to approve your account, which can take up to 24 hours. You will get an email notification of the approval from Checkr.
Cleaning up your account
In the legacy version of the BambooHR - Checkr integration, we had you create custom statuses within settings that can now be deleted. Navigate to Settings > Hiring > and click Candidate Statuses. Delete the following statuses:
- Background Check Initiate
- Background Check in Progress
- Background Check Complete - Consider
- Background Check Complete - Clear
You are now ready to use the new integration. Happy Bamboo-ing!
Candidate profile
To initiate a background check through Checkr, click on the gear icon on the candidate profile in BambooHR. Then, click Run Background Check. This action will send the candidate information to your Checkr account to begin a new background check. If the candidate already exists in your Checkr account, the status will automatically change to "Background Check In Progress."

A modal will appear for you to enter the following information:
- Candidate Email Address
- Country
- State
- Background Check Package
Click Send Background Check to finish.
After submitting the background check, a tile will display the status of the background check on the candidate profile. An authenticated Checkr user can hover over the tile and click on the three dots to view the report in Checkr or cancel the request. When a request is canceled or expired, you will have the option to run another background check. After a report has been canceled or expired for more than 72 hours, the tile will disappear, and you can make a new request for a background check from the gear icon.
The status tile will still be visible to hiring leads and collaborators that do not have access to request a background check. However, they will not be able to perform this functionality. See the Access section for more information.
You can track the history of the background check under the History subtab within the Notes tab on the candidate profile. BambooHR will track when the request is sent and by who, if the request is canceled, and when the request is complete. Click on the link to open the report on the Checkr dashboard.
Full Admin users in BambooHR will have access to request a background check for candidates. You can grant custom access level users to request background checks as well. Navigate to Step 2—What This Access Level Can Do and click Hiring. Then, mark both Manage Job Openings, Talent Pools, and Candidates and Run Background Checks. Any users with access to managing candidates but not running background checks will still be able to view the status tile.
When the integration is turned off, any custom access level users with access to the integration will no longer have access. If the integration is turned on in the future, the custom access level users will need to have access granted again.

If you are an existing customer using this integration, please be aware that Checkr supports this integration.
Click here to find contact information.