Benefits Notifications for Admins
What benefit notifications do admins receive?
Purpose: This help guide will explain the inbox and email notifications that are available to Full Admin users so they can stay up to date on changes in employees' benefit information. These notifications also help offload some of the tasks HR administrators would normally have to keep track of on sticky notes or spreadsheets.
Inbox notifications
When any of the following benefit changes occur, you will receive an inbox notification about the change, regardless of when it takes effect. From the inbox, you will be able to update the employee's benefit information (if applicable).
- An employee is losing eligibility to one or more benefit plans due to a change in their demographic data.
- An employee is gaining eligibility to one or more benefit plans due to a change in their demographic data.
- An employee is being terminated, and the benefit plan does not have an automatic coverage termination rule.
- An employee has a pay frequency change and has an enrollment that is a fixed dollar amount per paycheck (e.g., contributes a fixed $3,000 per quarterly paycheck and then moves to a weekly pay schedule).
To find inbox notifications related to benefit changes, click on the inbox icon in the top corner of your account, click Assigned to Me, and then go to the Benefits section.
The Benefits section will show a number of pending notifications, and all benefits-related notifications will go to the Eligibility Changes subsection. Once you click Eligibility Changes, choose a notification to view details about the benefit change and when it occurred. Additionally, each notification helps you know what information you may need to update for the employee.
Changes to Benefits Eligibility
This notification lets you know of a change that affects an employee's eligibility for the benefit plans included in the notification. For example, an admin updated Shannon's employment status from full-time to part-time, and the following three plans do not include the Part-Time employment status in their eligibility settings.
Click Go to [Employee Name]'s Benefits to update the employee's benefit information, or click Got It to mark the notification as read.
Update Employee Benefit Contributions
This notification will show if a change occurred to an employee's pay schedule, thus affecting their current contribution amounts. You may need to adjust their per-paycheck contribution amounts for the benefit plans listed in the notification.
To mark the notification as read, select Go to Benefits or Got It. Clicking Go to Benefits will take you to the employee's profile, where you can update their benefit information.
Email notifications
Email notifications are automated and are not editable within BambooHR.
Some employee benefits need your attention
If an inbox notification is still incomplete from the previous day, you will receive a one-time reminder email about the outstanding notification. Any previous, incomplete notifications will also show up in the email. Click Go to Inbox to address inbox notifications pending your attention.
Benefit Plans Are Up for Renewal
Other than the above notifications, you will receive a notification if there are benefit plans expiring soon. The system will send this notification 30 days and 10 days before the benefit plan expires at 12:01 AM (company timezone). This notification includes step-by-step instructions on how you can update the plans. Click Update Benefit Plans to review and update your benefit plans.