BambooHR (preview)BenefitsBenefits AdministrationBenefit Change Request for Qualifying Life Event

Benefit Change Request for Qualifying Life Event

Purpose: To show you how you can request updates to your benefits in BambooHR if you have experienced a qualifying life event.  

Benefits tab

To start a benefit change request, navigate to your Benefits tab and click Update Benefit Coverage in the top right corner. If you are navigating to this button for the first time, an informational tooltip will appear with a link to learn more information about QLEs in our HR Glossary.

You can submit a request any time after the qualifying life event. However, enrollment is dependent on the policy or HR admin at your company. Generally, enrollment should be complete 30 days after the QLE.

Benefit Change Request form

Once you click Update Benefit Coverage,  you will need to complete the following fields on the request form:

  1. Qualifying life event: This required field categorizes all QLE types into six sections, in which you can find your qualifying life event type:
    • Most Common
    • Changes in Household
    • Changes in Dependent Health Coverage
    • Changes in Employee Health Coverage
    • Changes in Residence
    • Other Changes
  2. Event date: Enter the date when the qualifying life event will occur or has occurred, determining when the benefit coverage should start. (This is a required field.)
  3. Comment box: The form includes a comment box for you to enter any additional details or questions about the QLE you are requesting a benefit change for.
  4. Supporting documents: Clicking on the question mark icon will bring up an informational modal, letting you know that you can upload supporting documents if required by your HR admin.  

After filling out the form, click Send Request. Admins will receive an email and inbox notification about your request.


The system will store your submitted request in your BambooHR inbox. To review the request, click on the inbox icon in the top right corner and then select Sent or Sent Requests.

Once within the inbox, click Benefits > Qualifying Life Events under the Sent section. Select your request to expand the view. If the request is still pending, you can add comments, upload files, or cancel the request. If you add a comment or upload a file, admins will receive an additional email notification. The system will also send you email notifications about any comments added by admins, as described here.

If an admin submits a benefit change request on your behalf, you will be able to view the request in your inbox (Sent > Benefits > Qualifying Life Events).

Compatible file attachments: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .gif, .png, .bmp, .txt,. rtf, .json, and .zip.

The maximum file size is 20 MB.

Approved request

When an admin approves your request, you will be able to start electing benefits via Start Enrollment from Home. After you submit your updated benefit elections, you will receive an email notification once the admin approves your benefit changes.

You can view your approved request, along with any file attachments and comments, in Sent > Benefits > Qualifying Life Events within your inbox.

Canceled request

If you need to cancel a pending request, navigate to Sent > Benefits > Qualifying Life Events in your inbox and select Cancel. A canceled request will remain in your inbox as a historical record.

Denied request

If an admin denies your request, you will receive an email notification and can review the denied request in the Qualifying Life Events folder of your inbox.

Employee email notifications

Click here to view more information about each email notification listed below.

You will receive an email notification in the following cases: 

  • Benefits Enrollment Starts Soon: Three days before the start date of the QLE enrollment window upon admin approval of your request (if applicable)
  • Ready, Set, Enroll: On the start date of the QLE enrollment window upon admin approval of your request
  • New Comment in Benefit Change Request: When an admin adds a comment to your request
  • You're Good to Go: When an admin approves your updated benefit elections
  • Benefit Change Denied: When an admin denies your benefit change request