E-Signature Placeholders

How do I add placeholders within a signature template?
Purpose: To help you understand how you can add placeholders within a signature template to have basic demographic information auto-populate from BambooHR. Placeholders will save time for you and your employees by not having to enter information manually.
Table of Contents
Add an employee's information
When setting up a signature template, click Add Employee Info to add placeholders in the template.
Select the corresponding field for the text box to pop up on the template. Resize and align the box in its desired place. Click Show All Fields to access other fields you can pull information from within BambooHR.
Once you save the template and send it for an employee's signature, the data in these fields from BambooHR will automatically populate in fields on the template and make it easier for your employee to fill out the required details.
Please note that standard tables, or tables that do not store data historically, cannot be utilized as placeholders within a signature document. We use the most recent data line from a historical table for an e-signature document because it consists of an employee's current information. For a standard table (i.e., assets listings, allergies, etc.), the signature document will not recognize which data lines to pull from because all lines of data could be current. You can utilize any historical tables and standard fields in a signature document.