BambooHR (preview)BenefitsEmployee Benefit InformationBenefits Tracking on the Employee Profile

Benefits Tracking on the Employee Profile

What information shows on an employee's Benefits tab?

Purpose: This help guide is to show you what information the Benefits tab tracks.

The Benefits tab on the employee profile includes three standard tables: Benefits Overview, Dependents, and Benefit History.

Benefits Overview table

The information in the Benefits Overview table is based on the setup of benefit plans and any manual changes added by your HR administrator. 

  1. Filter: By default, this table will show the benefit plans you have enrolled in. The filter includes two options: All and Enrolled. To view all plans with other statuses, click on the dropdown arrow and select All
  2. Benefit plan type: The table categorizes benefit plans by benefit type. 
  3. Plan name and status: Your plan status will display next to the plan name, as determined by eligibility settings in the plan setup. If you have enrolled in the plan, click on the plan name to view more information.
  4. Payment details: A benefit plan shows the amount you (the employee) pays, which depends on the deduction frequency listed. Click on a plan you are enrolled in to view the Company Pays amount. Not all plans will show payment details automatically because some plans have specific payment amounts based on each employee. 
  5. Coverage: This indicates the type of coverage you have selected for the plan. Not all benefit plans have coverage levels listed since some benefit plans are only available at the employee level. 
  6. Effective date: This section shows when the benefit plan will go into effect for you and your dependents (if applicable). 

An employee can enroll in only one benefit plan under each benefit type in BambooHR. For example, if an employee enrolls in a medical plan and then enrolls in a second medical plan, the system will automatically terminate the employee's coverage in the first medical plan. Additionally, the employee will show up as waived from the other medical plans.

Plan details

Clicking on a benefit plan you are enrolled in will show you additional information, such as the deduction amounts/frequency, coverage levels (if applicable), and effective dates. If your HR administrator has added a plan URL, you can click on the link to view more information.

Employees who have Benefits Administration enabled will see more information in addition to the standard details shown in Benefits Tracking.

Dependents table
Charlotte Abbott - Benefits

The Dependents table tracks information added about your dependents (e.g., spouse, child, domestic partner, stepchild, or foster child). The table will show you a few important fields for each dependent. 

When you click Add Dependent, the system will give you additional fields, some required, to enter information about your dependent. Click here to learn more about adding a dependent. 

Benefit History table

You will see the Benefit History table hidden by default with an option to show details. When you click Show, the table will appear with the following information:

  1. Date: When a change to a benefit plan or an employee's benefit information occurred 
  2. Changed by: The person who made the change
  3. Event: Details of the change 
  4. *Comments: Any comments added at the time of the change

*Comments are not editable, and there is not an option to delete a comment as the table stores an history of benefit changes.