Create a Custom Access Level

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How do I create a custom access level?
Purpose: Custom access levels allow you to create access for individuals based on which employees they should be able to see and what information they should have access to for those employees. Custom access levels are best for users such as department managers, HR assistants, IT, and your executive team. This guide will show you how to grant other users access to manage certain actions for you in BambooHR, so you'll have more time to tackle the rest of your to-do list.
Want to become a custom access levels expert? Take a look at this BambooHR Learning course!
Do you prefer hands-on learning? Our interactive guides will guide you through different aspects of your BambooHR experience. We have an interactive guide specifically designed to show you how to create a custom access level. You can use the link below to access this guide. All you need to do is modify the "REPLACEME" with your BambooHR subdomain, and you can get started!
Custom Access Level
To create a custom access level, navigate to Access Levels in Settings. Click on the add icon next to "Levels" and select Custom Access Level.
Add basic information
- Access Level Name: Add a unique name to help you remember specifically which users this access is for.
- Description: Although optional, we recommend giving the access level a detailed description to help you remember why it was created. This section can note the specific actions or areas of BambooHR that you would like the users to be able to access. You can also use this area to list anything you specifically do not want the users of this access level to do, as a reminder.
Once this information has been added, click Next Step.
What this Access Level Can Do

Custom access levels are designed to be able to give access to almost all features in BambooHR. Therefore, you want to be sure you fully understand what you are giving the user access to. Under "What this Access Level Can Do," you will determine what actions the user can make within your account. The following areas are available for customizing access.
Once you confirm the access you would like to grant, click Next Step to move on to "What this Access Level Can See."
If you are a BambooHR® Payroll customer, additional settings are available to manage custom access for your payroll users. You will notice a Payroll section and additional reporting options. Also, keep in mind, you will need to assign Payroll users to the correct EIN as part of the access level setup. Click here to learn more!

- Upload Files: Gives the user access to be able to upload files in BambooHR. This can be done through the Upload button on the Files tab.
- Request E-Signatures and Set Up Templates: Gives the user the ability to create signature templates and request e-signatures for employees he or she has access to. This will also give the user access to the Signed Documents report in order to view completed and pending e-signatures for the templates that have been shared with them.
Allow access to these Folders in Company Files*: Simply check the box next to each file folder you would like to grant the user access to. Once you check the box, you will need to determine whether they should have View Only or Edit access to the folder.
- To complete access to "Upload Files" (see #1), you will also need to grant the user Edit access to specific folders. If a user does not have access to edit any folders, they will not be able to upload any files. To complete access "Request E-Signatures and Setup Templates," the user will simply need View Only access.
*View Only access will grant the user access to preview, download and email a file in the folder. Edit access grants the user additional access to share, rename, and delete a file within the folder.

- Add New Employees: Access to "Add New Employees" will simply add the +Add Employee button to Home and the Employees tab. Access to add a new employee does not include the access to view the new employee's profile once it has been created. In order for a user to view other employees, you will need to give them access to specific employee information under "What this Access Level Can See." Additionally, this access will allow the user to rehire any terminated employees they have access to. This can be done through the action menu on the employee's profile.
- End Employments: Gives the user access to terminate any employee they have access to. When an employment is ended, they will no longer have access to BambooHR.
- Power Edit Employees: Gives the user the Power Edit Employees feature under the action menu on the Employees tab. This feature allows the user to update information for multiple employees at once. However, the user will only be able to make updates to the fields and employees he or she has access to.
- Change Employee Photos: Gives the user the ability to upload photos for all employees he or she has access to. Did you know you can give employees access to upload their own photo?
- Download Employee Forms: Gives the user the Download Forms feature under the action menu on the Employees tab. This feature allows the user to download the W-4, I-9, and 1095-C forms for the employees he or she has access to. These forms will automatically include basic information for the employees they are downloaded for.
- Manage Job Openings and Candidates: Gives the user access to all information in Applicant Tracking. This includes the ability to post new and edit job openings, edit all candidates, manually add candidates to a job opening, and export basic candidate information.
- Send and Manage Offer Letters: Gives the user access to create offer letter templates* and send offer letters to applicants. (This option doesn't appear until you give the user access to "Manage Job Openings and Candidates".)
*Access must also be given to "Hiring" under Settings below in order for the user to be able to create offer letter templates.
- Run Payroll: Allows the user to start, edit, or delete a payroll run.
- Approve Payroll: Allows the user to approve a payroll run. The user must have been granted the ability to run payroll in order to get this permission.

- Create New Reports: Gives the user access to be able to create a new custom report in BambooHR. This can be done through the + Add Report button on the Reports tab. Users will only be able to create reports with the fields and employees that they have been given access to under "What this Access Level Can See."
- View Payroll Reports: If you use BambooHR Payroll, you can grant a user access to the payroll reports found on the Reports tab without giving them access to run or approve payrolls.

- Manage Employee Access Levels: Gives the user the ability to enable an employee with employee access. The user will be able to move the employee into any employee access level but will not be able to give them additional access. They will also have the ability to disable access for the employee.
Reset User Passwords: Gives the user the ability to reset passwords for employees they have been granted access to.
- Note: The user who resets the password will not pick the new password for the employee.
- Reset User 2-Step Login: Gives the user the ability to reset an employee's 2-Step Login through Settings > 2-Step Login or the employee profile.

- Approvals: Administrate and set up the workflow for employee information updates, time off requests, and custom approvals.
- Benefits: Administrate the setup and adjustment of Benefits, including access to the bulk enrollment tool.
- Company Field Settings: Add or make changes to list field values such as Job Titles, Departments, etc., as well as any custom field list options (also known as "employee fields").
- Company Holidays: Administrate the company holidays visible from the Who's Out widget on Home and in the calendar.
- Email Alerts: Set up or modify email alerts triggering off date fields and events within BambooHR.
- Hiring: Manage and customize Candidate Status list options and email templates for Applicant Tracking.
- Logo & Color: Administrate the accent color and logo for your account.
- Offboarding: Ability to make changes to the offboarding template.
- Onboarding: Ability to make changes to the onboarding template.
- Performance: Ability to create, edit, and delete review cycles.
- Payroll: The Payroll Tab will appear for the user in Settings and they will be able to add/manage General Ledger codes within the Journal Entry section. The Account Owner, Full Admin(s), and Payroll Admin(s) will automatically have full access to this section and will be able to edit all sections within Settings > Payroll.
- Time Tracking: Access to all settings related to Time Tracking.
- Time Off: Set up and administrate time off categories and policies.
- Training: Set up and administrate training requirements that appear on the employee's Training tab and in the Training widget on Home.
- Translations of Custom Fields: Administrate translations for custom tabs and fields.
- Webhooks: Create and remove webhooks.

- Manage Time Off Policy Assignments: Gives a user access to three capabilities: (1) Record Time Off: Manually add a time off request for an employee and have it be automatically approved. (2) Manual Adjustment: Manually subtract or add time to an employee's available balance. (3) Assign Policy: Select a new policy for automatic accruals or remove a currently assigned policy. When granting access to "Time Off Policy Assignments," you will also need to grant the user View or Edit access to the specific time off categories you would like the user to have this access for. Otherwise, if the user cannot view or edit any time off categories, they will not be able to make these updates for any time off category for the employee. You can do this under "What this Access Level Can See." (To learn more about how this access works, check out this video. Additionally, please refer to the "View vs. Edit Access to Time off" section below.)
- Edit Past Time Off Requests: Gives the user the ability to edit time off requests with a start date that has already past. This permission can only be granted if the capability above has been enabled and if the user has Edit access to the time off category of the request they are trying to alter. (To learn more about how this access works, check out this video. Additionally, please refer to the "View vs. Edit Access to Time off" section below.)

- Approve Timesheets: Access to approve any timesheets that the user has access to view.
- Enable/Disable Time Tracking for Employees: Add an employee to, or remove an employee from, Time Tracking.
- Manage Hours Imports: Add new, edit previous, or delete hours from the Hours Importer or Hours API.
- Manage Project Tracking: Create projects and tasks in project tracking settings. Also allows the user to add or remove employees from any projects and tasks.
What this Access Level Can See
Under "What this Access Level Can See," you will determine what information the users in this level will be able to see for other employees as well as what information they are able to see for themselves. This step is broken down into three sections:
You will need to decide which group of employees and their information the user can access. The following options are available:
- All Employees: Access to all employees in your BambooHR account.
- Direct Reports: Access to employees who report directly to the user.
- Direct and Indirect Reports: Access to employees who report directly to the user (direct reports) and employees reporting to those direct reports and so forth through the reporting chain.
- Only Some Employees: Access to employees defined by standard filters (Department, Division, Employment Status, Job Title, and Location). View an example of this option below.

If you select Only Some Employees, a pop-up box will appear where you can filter by each of the standard filters. Click on a filter option, then mark a checkbox you would like the user to view. In the example above, I have selected to only show employees in the Europe division. It shows that I have 14 matches, which means that the user can access information for the 14 employees.
You can select multiple filters from the standard filter options. However, it will only include employees who meet all filter requirements.
After you determine which employees you would like the users in this access level to see, you will need to select which fields you would like the user to have access to within each tab of an employee's profile. You can grant access to fields in three different ways:
- Set Access on all Fields: This allows you to set access for all fields under the specific tab to No Access, View Only, or Edit. If you set access for all fields and add a custom field to the tab, access for the new field will follow the access for all other fields on the tab unless you manually update the access.
- Access by Section: Hovering over a section of fields allows you to set access for that section. You can set all fields to No Access, View Only, or Edit. You can see all fields included in the section below the section name.
- Access by Field: Click on the section to give the user access to each field. Hover over the specific field, and you can set the field to No Access, View Only, or Edit.
Once you select access for all fields on the Personal tab, you will need to go through each subsequent tab and determine what access you would like to give for each field.
- To allow the user to record time off for a specific time off category, it is necessary to grant them View access to the time off category and access to Manage Time Off Policy Assignments.
- To allow the user to make manual balance adjustments for a specific time off category, you must also grant edit access to the time off category in addition to Manage Time Off Policy Assignments.
- In order for the user to assign policies, you will need to grant edit access to the specific policies on the time off tab in the "See About Other Employees" section. The user will need access to the current policy the employee is assigned as well as the new policy they need to be assigned to.
- Additionally, granting edit access to a time off category will give the user access to approve all time off requests for the specific time off category for all employees they have access to. Learn more about how this process works for approving time off outside of the standard workflow here.
After you determine what the user will see about other employees in BambooHR, you need to decide what you would like the user to view for their personal information.
First, you will need to select if you would like the user to view their personal information. If not, the user will not see the My Info tab in BambooHR.
Second, if you would like to allow access, you need to decide what type of access you would like to assign to the user.
- Employee Access: The user can view or edit their information as defined in their assigned employee access level settings. If you have more than one level, you will need to select which employee access level you would like to assign to the user.
- Equal Access: The user can view or edit any fields for other individuals as part of their custom access level. They can view or edit information about themselves, including all selected fields in the See About other Employees section above.
Home is the first page an employee will see after they log in to BambooHR. When granting access to Home, you can enable access on each widget. Click on the widget to grant access or click again to remove access. The widgets on Home include the following:
- Celebrations: Once checked, you will see the Anniversaries & Birthdays option. Click on the drop-down arrow to select which option you would like to show. An employee can view all celebrations that have happened in the last seven days and will be happening in the upcoming 30 days with the option to load more.
- Announcements: This widget displays company announcements in the What's Happening widget. An employee can view them if they have access. The What's Happening widget automatically appears to the employee if they have one active item in this widget. An announcement will pop up as a notification in this widget. After the employee views an announcement, they can view it again by clicking Announcements in the widget's top right corner. Granting Edit access to this widget allows the user to create, edit, or delete announcements.
- Links: This widget displays quick links to outside websites (i.e., benefit providers, etc.). Granting Edit access to this widget allows the user to manage links (add or reorder categories, and add, delete, or edit links).
- Welcome New Hires: This widget displays all new employees in your company. New hires will appear when they are active, have a hire date, and when it is their first day OR if hired within the last 30 days. Additionally, you will see a new hire's Get to Know You information from the New Hire Packet (if provided).
- Who's Out: This widget displays company holidays and which employees will be out of the office during the next seven days, the rest of the month, and the following month. An option to load further information is available until no holidays or requests load. This widget also includes a link to view the calendar.
Please note the following widgets will automatically appear on Home if the employee has an available item in the specific widget:
- My Time: This widget gives employees a quick overview of their timesheet and allows them to document their time. The widget will only appear if the employee is included in Time Tracking (add-on feature).
- Time Off: This widget displays time off balances and allows an employee to request time off or calculate a future balance. It will only appear if the employee has access to at least one time off category.
- My Stuff: The individual sections in this widget will only appear if there are active items for the category.
- What's Happening: This widget displays notifications about items that need the employee's attention in BambooHR. Some examples include time off requests that need approval, signature requests to sign, and assigned onboarding or offboarding tasks. Company announcements are also included in this widget if the employee has access to view them. This widget only appears if the employee has at least one outstanding notification.
- Insights dashboard: There are several report widgets available to give you insight into your company. You can add, remove, or rearrange these widgets if you have access to the information in the specific widget.
After you ensure all access has been granted correctly for a custom access level, click Save & Finish at the bottom of the page to finalize the changes. The custom access level will now be available for selection when enabling access to BambooHR.
If you need to create another custom access level* similar to an already created one, you can duplicate the access level. Click on the custom access level (Settings > Access Levels) you want to copy. Then, under the action menu, select Duplicate Access Level. This action will open up a new custom access level with all the same settings as the duplicated one. In this way, you can quickly make any small changes in creating the access you need.
IMPORTANT: Remember that with all access to fields within BambooHR, we suggest that you preview your changes as a user. Previewing as another user allows you to ensure that access you have granted matches your intentions. For example, you give a user access to approvals and workflows, but the user may not have access to the information because you have not granted them access to the specific information through settings. This help guide details of what information you can allow the user access through those workflows.