Maxwell Health | Marketplace Partner

How does Maxwell Health integrate with BambooHR?

Purpose: To help you understand what you can use Maxwell Health for and how you can integrate it with BambooHR.

Your current benefit broker must work with Sun Life and Maxwell Health to utilize this integration. Please contact Maxwell Health if you have any questions regarding available brokers.

Maxwell Health

An overview from BambooHR® Marketplace:

Maxwell Health is a fully paperless operating system for employee benefits that streamlines online enrollment in all types of benefits and empowers employees to engage with their health and well-being. Maxwell totally reinvents the benefits shopping experience so employees can shop for all of their employer-sponsored benefits in a more convenient, digital way. 

You can learn more about Maxwell Health in BambooHR® Marketplace.

How do I enable the Maxwell Health integration?

First, you need to verify that you currently use Maxwell Health or your current broker works with Sun Life and Maxwell Health. If yes, they will need to contact their Maxwell Health representative to provide the benefit details and employee information to Maxwell Health directly. Your broker will coordinate with Maxwell Health to build your customized Employee Benefit Portal.

Please follow the steps in this link to get your account set up and ready to integrate with Maxwell Health.

Once your portal is complete, contact a BambooHR support hero to assist you in enabling the integration in your account.

What data syncs between BambooHR and Maxwell Health?

Maxwell Health offers two options for the BambooHR API integration: 

  • 360° API two-way sync
  • 180° API one-way sync (from BambooHR to Maxwell)

You can find this information in BambooHR® Marketplace. To learn more about syncing fields, please click here and navigate to the Integration section.

Fields of First name, Last name, Date of Hire, SSN, Eligibility (Benefits) Group, Country, and Email address are required to have the sync be successful. Additional fields may be required based on benefit configuration. To trigger the benefit correctly, you must enter all of the other syncing fields.

What changes will I see in my BambooHR account?

For successful syncing of data to Maxwell Health, the following fields will be added to your BambooHR account when the integration is enabled by a support hero:

  • Standard hours per week (required if employees are paid hourly)
  • Benefit Group
  • Disabled

The following elements will be disabled in BambooHR, and Maxwell Health will be the source of record:

  • The Benefits tab
  • The Dependents table
Tips for managing your integration after it is enabled

Here are a few things that will help as you move forward.

  1. If you choose the 180 API one-way sync option, then employee information syncs FROM BambooHR to Maxwell. Therefore, it is important for you to use BambooHR as your employee information base. You should see those changes reflected in Maxwell within minutes.  
  2. You should add new hires to BambooHR. Make sure that the following fields are complete to have the sync be successful:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Country
    • Email Address
    • Hire Date
    • Benefit Group
  3.  New hires must be assigned to a benefit group so that Maxwell will know which benefits to offer to the employees. If an employee changes eligibility during their employment, be sure to open a change of eligibility event in Maxwell.
  4. When an employee leaves your company, you must terminate them properly by adding a termination date. (Click on the gear icon on the employee profile and terminate the employee.) This action will prevent the employee from showing as eligible during your next enrollment period. You will also need to mark their COBRA eligibility in Maxwell after you terminate them.
  5. Have your employees direct any Maxwell-related questions to Maxwell Support. Additionally, if there is something that you need regarding your Maxwell integration, please contact Maxwell Support. This is the best process for creating a ticket for support and having a resolution handled more efficiently.
Where do I go for support for this integration?

If you are an existing customer using this integration, please be aware that Maxwell Health and BambooHR support this integration.

Click here to find contact information.