BambooHR (preview)BambooHR Mobile AppPerformance in the Mobile AppGoals, Assessments, and Feedback in the Mobile App

Goals, Assessments, and Feedback in the Mobile App

Can I create and manage goals, assessments, and feedback in the mobile app?

Purpose: This help guide will show you how to view and manage your goals, assessments, and feedback in the mobile app.


You can find goals in the mobile app by tapping My Info and then tapping Performance. Here, you will see a list of all of your goals that are in progress. If you would like to see a list of completed and closed goals, tap the filter icon (see below).

Create a new goal

Tap + New Goal in the top right to create a new goal. From here, you can add the goal name, description, due date, milestones, and who to share it with. To add a milestone, click +Add Milestone at the bottom of the goal creation screen.

Goal details

Tapping on a specific goal will show you the goal details. You can use the slider to update goal progress, add a comment, or edit the goal. For goals with milestones, you will need to adjust the slider via checking or unchecking individual milestones. 

The Edit option will allow you to edit the goal name, description, due date, and with who it is shared. Also, you can use the Edit option to delete the goal. If the goal aligns with another goal, that information will reflect in Goal Details.

Additionally, tap Shared with if you would like to share the goal with additional users.

Close a goal

If the goal is not completed by the due date, you have the option to close the goal. Select your goal, and click the Edit option at the top, swipe to the bottom, and tap Close Goal. From here, confirm you would like to close this goal and add a comment, if needed.

If you need to locate your closed goals, tap the filter button and select Closed.

If you need to reopen a goal, locate your closed goals, select the specific goal and click Reopen Goal. Confirm you would like to reopen the goal and it will now show in your In Progress list.


Self assessment

As an employee, click into the assessment box to open and complete your assessment.

Follow the sequence of questions to answer your employee assessment. Unlike assessments on the web, a user must go through each question in order. It is not possible to skip ahead until the current answer is submitted.

Attach a file, if needed, or skip to review your assessment before submitting.

Click Yes, Submit Assessment to submit your completed assessment.

You can find assessments in the mobile app by tapping My Info and then tapping Performance. Here, you will see a list of all of your assessments that are in progress.

Manager assessment

Follow the sequence of questions to answer the assessment questions.

Similar to the web version, a manager will be prompted to complete their team assessments. Individual employee assessments can also be accessed by going to an employee's Performance tab and selecting Performance > Assessment.

Attach a file or photo if needed, or skip to review your assessment before submitting.

 Just like on the web, the manager can set a date for reviewing the assessment. Click Yes, Submit Assessment to submit your completed assessment for your employee


Employees can respond to feedback requests (peer feedback) and managers can review past feedback submissions on the BambooHR mobile app.

Feedback for employees

As an employee, if you have a pending peer feedback request, you will see a feedback card on Home.

You will also receive an inbox notification to fill out a peer feedback form (similar to the web version).

When you are done writing your peer feedback, you can submit it (Send Feedback) or save your progress to complete it later (Finish Later).

Feedback for managers

As a manager, you can view peer feedback on your direct reports from their employee profiles.

You can also cancel a peer feedback request by clicking Yes, Cancel Request.

The mobile app does not allow managers to request feedback for an employee. They will still need to do that on the web version.