Upcoming and Completed Trainings

How are upcoming and completed trainings tracked on the employee profile?
Purpose: To teach you how upcoming and completed trainings are tracked on the employee profile.
Table of Contents
Upcoming Training
Upcoming training shows at the top within the Training tab. Trainings are automatically organized by the categories created in Settings. Check the box next to a training to complete it. Only required training will list, but you can easily record an optional training by clicking Record a Training below the Upcoming Training table. Click on a training name to see additional information about the training, including attachments, links, and due dates.
Please note that dates shown in orange indicate an expired or past due training. Dates in gray indicate upcoming or recurring training.
Completed training
The Completed section displays information about all recorded trainings. Click on a completed training to see additional details. (See below.)
In addition to details about each completed training, this section also includes:
- Training filter: Select the training you would like to see the completed history for or select All to see the entire history of completed trainings.
- Year filter: Adjust the time frame to change the history information displayed.
- Edit or Delete: Click on the pencil icon next to a training to edit its recorded information or click the trash can to delete the recorded training.
- Summary: This shows all additional information summarized (Cost, Credits, and Hours) for completed training within the selected time frame or training name.